The European elections in 2024 are destined to be of extraordinary importance for the European Union and its citizens. At stake is the future of the EU, and the direction to be given to the unification process. The design of a political Europe - directly legitimized by the citizens of Europe and capable of acting with political standing on the international stage and of successfully realizing the profound ecological and digital transitions on an industrial, economic and social level - stands in contrast to the design of nationalist forces, which believe that politics should be the exclusive prerogative of the member states, the sole owners of sovereignty, even with regard to the rule of law.
The reality we live in, however, clearly indicates the urgent need to build a common European sovereignty.
In the world, we are witnessing the return of imperial powers, democracy is in the balance even in the United States - which is no longer able to guarantee the continuity of its foreign policy and alliances - and we are confronted with the challenge of climate change, wars, financial instability and uncontrolled people mobility; in this framework, the sovereignty of European states and their capacity for political action is more insignificant than ever.
We must not only complete our unity, by creating appropriate institutional mechanisms, to strengthen the convergence of our economic and geopolitical interests and promote our values and freedoms; but we must first of all politically defeat nationalism, which has returned to bring war to our continent, by creating democratic institutions that are untouched by this disease and, conversely, represent an alternative model, also for the rest of the world.
This activity is part of the project 101140644 — UEF-CERV-2023-OG-SGA financed by the EACEA under the CERV programme.