Executive Bureau

Elected by the Federal Committee for a period of two years, the Bureau carries out the decisions of and is accountable to the Federal Committee.

The Executive Bureau consists of:
a. the President of the UEF;
b. not less than 2 and not more than 4 Vice-Presidents and among those not more than one coming from the same Section,
c. the Treasurer and
d. not less than 5 and not more than 10 other members and among those not more than two coming from the same section.

The Secretary General attends the meetings of the Executive Bureau, but without the right to vote.

The Secretary General of JEF is member of the Executive Board as an ex-officio-guest without the right to vote.

The UEF President is elected by the UEF Congress by absolute majority vote. He is also the President of the Federal Committee and of the UEF Bureau.

Domènec Ruiz Devesa, from the UEF Spain section lawyer, economist and political scientist. Former senior advisor at the Ministry for the Presidency, a parliamentary assistant at the European Parliament, and the deputy chief of cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he is very active in European federalism since 2013, co-founding UEF Madrid and UEF Spain. After the UEF Congress in Vienna, he has been engaged as an active member of the FC of UEF Europe. Currently, a Member of the European Parliament in May 2019 and S&D spokesperson in the Committee of Constitutional Affairs. In the European Parliament, works closely with the Spinelli Group in order to make progress in the federalist roadmap.

He is President ad interim since 3 August 2023, and elected President in 25 Novemeber 2023 in the XXVIII UEF Congress. Since December 2023, he is Vice President of the European Movement International.

E-Mail domenec.devesa@gmail.com

Markus Ferber has been a Member of the European Parliament since 1994. During his time in office, he has served in multiple high-profile roles, such as Chairman, CSU delegation in the European Parliament and Co-Chairman, CDU/CSU delegation in the EPP Group. Currently, he serves as the Coordinator of the European People's Party (EPP) in the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON). Additionally, he has been appointed to the Transport and Tourism committee (TRAN) and was elected as 1st Vice-Chair to the Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC). Markus Ferber takes a keen interest in financial services, as well as banking and insurance legislation. Since the year 2000 he chairs the Europa Union Bavaria. On 1 January 2020, Ferber became Chairman of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, a political foundation associated with the CSU.

E-Mail markus.ferber@europarl.europa.eu

Alin Mituța is a Member of the European Parliament since 2020.

E-Mail alin.mituta@gmail.com

Giulia Rossolillo is a Member of Movimento Federalista Europeo since 1985. She is editor of the Political Journal “Il Federalista/The Federalist” founded in 1959 by Mario Albertini and based on the principles of federalism and on the rejection of nationalism. Since 2011 Giulia Rossolillo is a full professor of European Union law at the University of Pavia, where she has organised several seminars and meetings on the political unification of Europe and on the reforms necessary for the EU to become a federation. She extensively published on these topics both in EU journals and in the Federalist.

E-Mail giulia.rossolillo@unipv.it


Elected by the Federal Committee on the nomination of the Bureau, s/he is responsible for the management of the funds, for which he shall be answerable. Any decision in the Executive Bureau beyond the adopted budget lines shall not be taken against the vote of the Treasurer, unless the respective proposal includes a balance of its financial burden. He is accountable to the Federal Committee.

Roland Hühn,has studied laws in Germany and started working in a Hessian Ministry. In the year 1985 he was elected as mayor of the town of Heringen/Werra and 7 years later became deputy executive of the county of Hersfeld-Rotenburg. In 1997 he was elected as county executive (Landrat) of that county.

After he left my public office he became a solicitor working for private companies and from 2007 to 2012 he worked for the German company for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Saudi Arabia, first as a municipal advisor and then as Country Director for GIZ. Afterwards he worked as a short-term advisor for the Saud Ministry for Municipal and Rural Affairs and lately for the German Senior Expert Service. Officially he is retired.

E-Mail: secretariat@federalists.eu

Antonio Argenziano has been a a member of the UEF Federal Committee since 2018. He is Vice-President of the European Movement International (EMI). He has a master degree in Modern History and is specialized in the history of European Integration.
He is a long activist experience and has always focused his engagement on Federalism and European Affairs. He as been the President of Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) between 2021 and 2023. Before being elected as European President, he has been National Treasurer and then Secretary General of JEF Italy.
He also worked as Public Affairs Manager at Euractiv Italy and then as Political and Strategic Communication Consultant.
He has been producer of two documentaries ("A Good Wind" and "The Compass"), has been a speaker to countless national and international events and seminars on European affairs and, among other things, in 2021 he has been nominated, by the Italian Government, as a member of the Scientific Committee on the Future of Europe.

Raphaël Bez is Secretary General of UEF/EMI Switzerland since September 2018 after having served as Deputy Secretary General from November 2017 to August 2018. He currently represents JEF Switzerland on the Board of the Swiss National Youth Council. Previously, he worked for various organisations in the social field and the promotion of youth as well as for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in Berne and in Vienna (Austria) at the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the OSCE. He has been involved for more than fifteen years in youth organisations such as the Scout movement and JEF Switzerland. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Political Science (University of Lausanne) and a Master Degree in European Studies (University of Fribourg).

François Leray Member of the board and former President of UEF France (2021-2023), François Leray has been acting for twenty years as chief of staff and director of communications in central government and local authorities. Vice-chairman of the "Communication Publique" association, he is particularly interested in issues relating to disinformation and the transformation of the public sphere as a result of the digital revolution. He has a master's degree in international relations and a master's degree in communication, and is certified in digital marketing, European law and crisis communication. E-Mail francois.leray@uef.fr

Daphne Gogou is a Greek lawyer, specialised in European Law and in Private International Law. She joined the European Commission in 1992 and since then has been working in different policy areas such as telecommunications, internal market, environment, justice and home affairs. She has vast experience on the functioning of the European Institutions, and she is a specialist on migration, security, people mobility and Human Rights matters. From 2014 to 2017, she has been the president of European Demos, a Greek federalist NGO and over the past 3 years she has been chairing the UEF Political Commission 4.

François Mennerat. Initially practiced as a clinician, obtained a Master and a PhD in health systems management and health informatics, and was appointed as medical adviser with public and private health insurance bodies, as well, for a time, as an officer at the French Ministry of health, and associate lecturer at the University of Saint-Étienne. Actively involved in several European R&D projects in the field of Health Informatics (successive Framework Programmes), and in standard development activities within CEN (European Standardisation Committee), the last 20 years of his professional career made him extensively travelling Europe-wide (and beyond), being in regular contact with numbers of field actors and many European Commission officers. Leading or chairing several working groups or bodies, he facilitated consensus emergence between actors with diverse practice and culture, notably administrative. (French, born in 1944).

Eszter Nagy is an economist, a former diplomat and a devoted European. She has been active in the Hungarian section of the European Federalists since 2016, and since the UEF Congress in Vienna has been a Federal Committee member on behalf of her section. In February 2019, she was the main organizer of a political debate during the campaign period for European elections and the "We are Europe Citizens’ Agora" in Budapest. In January 2021, she coordinated and organized the Hungarian participation in the form of 2 online panel discussions in the framework of the UEF project, "Democracy is Europe". Besides Hungarian, she speaks English, French, German, and Spanish. She would like to contribute to the real unification of European societies and further development of the European integration into a more federalist direction.

Alejandro Peinado Garcia. Born in Córdoba (Spain) in 1984,  he has worked as Accredited Parliamentary Assistant and advisor at the European Parliament (2019-2024) on Constitutional Affairs and since July 2024 on EU Regional Policy. His vocation has been and is to contribute to the construction of a more Democratic and United Europe. His interest in politics has also led him to work on a Doctoral Thesis on Social Sciences in the area of Citizenship, Democracy and Parliamentarism, that will be defended by April 2025. This thesis is composed by a compendium of articles published in journals indexed in international index such as JCR and Scopus. He is also author of articles on different subjects such as the European Union, political elites or the role of nationalism. He is Secretary of the federal board of UEF Spain.

W. Gywnn Wettach is member of Europa-Union Baden-Württemberg in Southwest of Germany, with over 3000 members it is one of the strongest UEF Local sections, she is also the Rapporteur of the UEF Political Commission 3 on Foreign and Security Policy. She is a founding member of the German Green Party and of the first Green Youth (Grüne Jugend). In her work life, she is a Business consultant for tech Start-Up companies in the south of Germany since 1998.

Christelle Savall (ex-officio EB Member as JEF President), has been a dedicated member of the Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) since 2012 and is currently JEF Europe’s President. She founded the JEF section in Luxembourg and previously held different positions in JEF Europe as well as the ones of Treasurer of JEF France and President of JEF Sciences Po in Paris. Working in development finance, she holds master’s degrees in international affairs and finance from the University of St Gallen and Sciences Po.


Andrew Duff is a Liberal Democrat politician, president of the Union of European Federalists from 2008 to 2013 and a Member of the European Parliament for the East of England region of the UK.

Jo Leinen is a Member of the European Parliament representing Germany. He was elected on the SPD ticket and acts as a representative within the Party of European Socialists group. He obtained a Law Degree in 1972 and a Certificate of Advanced European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, in 1974. Furthermore, he has been a President of the UEF from 1996 to 2006.


Friedhelm FRISCHENSCHLAGER is an Austrian politician, originally a member of the Freedom Party of Austria before co-founding the Liberal Forum in 1993. Frischenshlager has served in the European Parliament (1996-1999), as a Director of the department of democratization of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (2001-2003), and he has been a Secretary-General of the UEF from 2005 to 2007.

Alfonso IOZZO has graduated in economics from the University of Turin and started his career at the Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, where from 1961 to 1995 he held in succession the position had of research and planning department; General Manager, International Division; and Deputy Chief General Manager. From 1995 to 2001 he was Secretary General of Compagnia di San Paolo, Turin, from 2001 to 2006 Managing Director of San Paolo Imi, and from 2006 to 2008 President of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in Rome. In addition he occuped numerous non-executive position in financial institutions (Associazione Bancaria Italiana, Hambros Bank LTD London, Banque Indosuez Paris, Banco del Desarrollo Santiago, Ruegg Bank AG Zurig, Inter-europa Bank Budapest, Institut of International Finance Washington DC). He was also a member of the Movimento Federealista Europeo since 1963, served as ITC president from 1995 to 2005, and he has been a member of the Executive Board of the Union of the European Federalists since 1998.

Guido MONTANI is a full time professor of International Political Economy at the University of Pavia (I). In 1970 he was elected President of the Jeunes du MFE, the supranational organisation of the federalists during the sixties, until 1972, when in the Luxembourg’s Congress the present JEF was founded. As the responsible for the youth policy in the MFE-Italy, he founded the first federalist seminar in Ventotene in 1982 and after Spinelli’s death, the Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies in 1987. In 1993 he was elected Secretary-General of the MFE and from 2005 to 2009 he was President of the MFE. From 2008 to 2013 he has been a Vice-President of the UEF.

Sergio PISTONE is a professor of European integration at the Faculty of Political Science at the univeristy of Torino, also holder of the chair "Jean Monnet". He is member of the scientific committee publishing the series "History of Federalism and European Integration" ("Storia del Federalismo e dell' integrazione europea").


According to the Article 16, 17 and 20 of UEF Statutes, the UEF Secretary-General, in brief:

  • he/she is confirmed, on the proposal of the President, a Secretary General, who can be an employee or a volunteer;
  • attends the meetings of the Executive Bureau, but without the right to vote and to attend all meetings of the organs of the U.E.F;
  • is responsible for running the UEF Secretariat and carrying out the decisions delegated to him/her by the organs of UEF;
  • shall act as a supervisor and superior to all staff members in the Secretariat.

Ilaria Caria. E-Mail: ilaria.caria@federalists.eu
