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FOCUS EUROPA (from 2023 to current)

FOCUS EUROPA is a political debate in italian hosted by La Miniera di Ivan Grieco organized with Movimento Federalista Europeo (UEF Italy), which in the year of the European elections will focus on the debate that the various political factions are conducting on the theme of the future of Europe and the will to continue […]

The Federalist Debate (from 2001 to current)

"The establishment of a perfect civil Constitution depends on the problem of governing the external relations among states through law" Immanuel Kant Papers on Federalism in Europe and the World The Federalist Debate is a four-monthly review born to stimulate and feed the circulation of ideas and information among the various federalist organisations, and among […]

The European Letter - Our federal Europe: sovereign and democratic (from 1998 to today)

The European Letter is published in 7 languages - from the edition 77 - under the auspices of the Luciano Bolis European Foundation in cooperation with the Union of European Federalists since 2023. The European Letter is a periodical publication started in 1997 with the aim of stimulating political debate in national parliaments and governments, and in the European […]

The Federalist - A Political Review (from 1959 to current)

To look for a continuation of harmony between a number of indipendent unconnected sovereignities situated in the same neighbourhood, would be to disregard the uniform course of human events and to set at defiance the accumulated expierence of ages Hamilton, The Federalist Website with all the numbers avaiables: ENGLISH | ITALIAN | FRENCH | GREEK […]

Jean Monnet, His Life and Work

For a man such as Jean Monnet (1888-1979), who understood from his earliest political experiences that, "reflection can not be separated from action", the salient facts of his life aiso represent an important guide to his philosophy and his way of conducting politics.After spending his youth helping his father inthe Cognac business,Monnet set himself at […]

EL 81 | Tras la elección del Parlamento, la reforma de los Tratados de la UE está en la agenda de la nueva Comisión Europea 

INGLESA | ITALIANA | FRANCESA | ALEMÁN | RUMANA | GRIEGA La elección de Ursula Von Der Leyen como Presidenta de la Comisión con el voto de las fuerzas proeuropeas envía una importante señal de estabilidad, reforzada también por la reducción del Rassemblement national en Francia tras las elecciones legislativas. En su discurso inaugural, también […]

EL 81 | Μετά την εκλογή της Βουλής, η Μεταρρύθμιση των Συνθηκών της ΕΕ μπαίνει στην Ατζέντα της Νέας Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΉ | ΙΤΑΛΙΚΉ | ΓΑΛΛΙΚΉ | ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΉ | ΙΣΠΑΝΙΚΉ | ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΚΉ | Η εκλογή της Ursula Von Der Leyen ως Προέδρου της Επιτροπής με την ψήφο των φιλοευρωπαϊκών δυνάμεων στέλνει ένα σημαντικό μήνυμα σταθερότητας, το οποίο ενισχύεται επίσης από τη συρρίκνωση της Rassemblement national στη Γαλλία μετά τις βουλευτικές εκλογές. Στην εναρκτήρια ομιλία της, ανακοίνωσε […]

EL 81 | După alegerea Parlamentului, reforma tratatelor UE intră pe agenda noii Comisii Europene

ITALIANĂ | FRANCEZĂ | GERMANĂ | SPANIOLĂ | GREACĂ | ENGLEZĂ Alegerea Ursulei Von Der Leyen în funcția de președinte al Comisiei cu votul forțelor pro-europene trimite un semnal important de stabilitate, întărit și de reducerea Rassemblement national în Franța după alegerile legislative. În discursul său principal, ea a anunțat, de asemenea, angajamentul viitoarei Comisii […]

EL 81 | Nach der Wahl des Parlaments steht die Reform der EU-Verträge auf der Agenda der neuen Europäischen Kommission. 

ENGLISCH | ITALIENISCHE | FRANZÖSISCHE | SPANISCHE | RUMÄNISCH | GRIECHISCHE Die Wahl von Ursula Von Der Leyen zur Kommissionspräsidentin mit den Stimmen der pro-europäischen Kräfte ist ein wichtiges Signal der Stabilität, das auch durch die Verkleinerung des Rassemblement national in Frankreich nach den Parlamentswahlen verstärkt wird. In ihrer Grundsatzrede kündigte sie außerdem an, dass […]

EL 81 | After the Election of the Parliament, the Reform of the EU Treaties enters into the Agenda of the New European Commission

ITALIAN | FRENCH | GERMAN | GREEK | ROMANIAN | SPANISH The election of Ursula Von Der Leyen as President of the Commission with the vote of the pro-European forces sends an important signal of stability, also reinforced by the downsizing of the Rassemblement national in France after the legislative elections. In her keynote speech, she also announced the next Commission's commitment to […]
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