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Safer together: A path towards a fully prepared Union

Source: EU Commission website. Strengthening Europe’s preparedness is a matter of urgency. Europe is facing a new reality, marked by increased risk and deep uncertainty. Since the start of this decade, the EU has experienced the most severe pandemic in a century, the bloodiest war on European soil since the Second World War, and the […]

Towards a more integrated Europe? Answers by Lukas Mandl, President of Spinelli Group

A topic that isn't new to our channel is looking towards the future. Now, with an unpredictable factor in the United States, we are thinking about their future more than ever. Naturally, we have to cover such sentiments on a livestream. And of course we won't do it alone; join us in our conversation with […]

I risultati delle elezioni europee: luci e ombre.

ORIGINAL: The Federalist, a political review. Come federalisti abbiamo sempre un doppio compito. Il primo è contribuire alla costruzione del sistema politico europeo, compito che va al di là della questione istituzionale per includere anche la questione della partecipazione dei cittadini. La questione istituzionale rimane sempre importante, non soltanto per la posizione dell’Europa nel mondo […]

Foreign and Security, Defense and Cybersecurity | The PC3 Newsletter #2/2024

Dear Fellow PC3 Members, The international context is going to be full of inputs for the PC3 works. The Middle East War, and the Ukrainian War are the first concerns but other headlines are hitting our attention. First and foremost, the BRICS meeting is confirming the tendency to transition towards a multipolar world, second, the […]

Shoud the EU become a Federation like the USA?

A United States of Europe? Here's What Could Happen Next! Could the EU become a true federation, like the USA, with shared powers and a common army? We break down the options the EU faces and what it means for Europe's future. Video produced by the EU Made Simple, the YouTube Channel with more 134.000 followers […]

EL 82 | Le plan Draghi pour l'Europe : pour être compétitive, l'Union doit être réformée

ANGLAIS | ITALIENNE | ALLEMANDE | ESPAGNOLE | ROUMAINE | GRECQUE Suite à la victoire des forces pro-européennes aux élections du Parlement et à la confirmation de Von der Leyen à la présidence de la Commission, certaines questions fondamentales commencent à émerger, qui détermineront l'avenir proche de l'Union. D'une part, les défis internes et externes […]

EL 82 | Το σχέδιο του Ντράγκι για την Ευρώπη: Για να είναι ανταγωνιστική, η Ένωση πρέπει να μεταρρυθμιστεί.

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΉ | ΙΤΑΛΙΚΉ | ΓΑΛΛΙΚΉ | ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΉ | ΙΣΠΑΝΙΚΉ | ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΚΉ | Μετά τη νίκη των φιλοευρωπαϊκών δυνάμεων στις κοινοβουλευτικές εκλογές και την επανεκλογή της Φον ντερ Λάιεν ως Προέδρου της Επιτροπής, αρχίζουν να τίθονται ορισμένα θεμελιώδη ζητήματα σχετικά με το εγγύς μέλλον της Ένωσης.  Από τη μία πλευρά, οι εσωτερικές και εξωτερικές προκλήσεις για […]

EL 82 | Il piano Draghi per l'Europa: per essere competitivi bisogna riformare l'Unione

INGLESE | FRANCESE | TEDESCO | SPAGNOLO | ROMENA | GRECA In seguito alla vittoria delle forze pro-europee alle elezioni del Parlamento e la conferma di Von der Leyen alla Presidenza della Commissione, iniziano a delinearsi alcune questioni di fondo da cui dipenderà il prossimo futuro dell'Unione. Da una parte si aggravano le sfide interne ed esterne alla stabilità […]

EL 82 | Der Draghi-Plan für Europa: Um wettbewerbsfähig zu sein, muss die Union reformiert werden

ENGLISCH | ITALIENISCHE | FRANZÖSISCHE |SPANISCHE | RUMÄNISCH | GRIECHISCHE The election of Ursula Von Der Leyen as President of the Commission with the vote of the pro-European forces sends an important signal of sNach dem Sieg der pro-europäischen Kräfte bei den Parlamentswahlen und der Bestätigung von Von der Leyen als Präsidentin der Kommission zeichnen […]

EL 82 | Draghi's Plan for Europe: To Be Competitive, the Union Must Be Reformed

European Letter