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The Foundation of the United States of America and the Birth of Federalism Since ancient times there have been various attempts by different states to create unions. But it was in North America, with the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, that history’s first federal constitution was realised. It was the result of a compromise between those […]

The EU is NOT a Global Player - Here is Why

The EU's Foreign Policy Problem Exposed: Chaos, Confusion, and Missed Opportunities How did the EU handle Hamas' attack on Israel? Not well. Institutional chaos, conflicting loyalties, and indecision plagued its response. While the U.S. moved swiftly with a unified strategy, the EU stumbled. Discover the five fatal flaws crippling Europe's ability to act on the […]

Foreign and Security, Defense and Cybersecurity | The PC3 Newsletter #3/2024

The War in Ukraine The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is going into a difficult phase for both contenders. President Zelensky expressed his concern about the reduction of US supplies and stated explicitly that EU support would be “not enough” to continue the conflict. Nevertheless, as Kendall-Taylor and Kofman pointed out, the US leadership should consider […]

EL 83 | Là où croît le péril croît aussi ce qui sauve

ANGLAIS | ITALIENNE | ALLEMANDE | ESPAGNOLE | ROUMAINE | GRECQUE L'élection de Trump, avec les répercussions qu'elle entraînera au niveau international, intervient à un moment de grande vulnérabilité pour l'Union européenne, prise en étau entre les menaces sécuritaires, la dépendance à l'égard de pays tiers dans des secteurs stratégiques, le retard technologique, une crise économique, politique et sociale qui affaiblit la démocratie, et deux […]

EL 83 | Dar acolo unde este pericolul, crește și puterea salvatoare.

ITALIANĂ | FRANCEZĂ | GERMANĂ | SPANIOLĂ | GREACĂ | ENGLEZĂ Alegerea lui Trump, cu repercusiunile pe care le va avea la nivel internațional, survine într-un moment de mare vulnerabilitate pentru Uniunea Europeană, înghesuită între amenințările la adresa securității, dependența de țări terțe în sectoare strategice, regresul tehnologic, o criză economică, politică și socială care slăbește democrația și două țări-cheie, Germania și Franța, paralizate de […]

EL 83 | Doch wo Gefahr ist, wächst auch das, was rettet…

ENGLISCH | ITALIENISCHE | FRANZÖSISCHE |SPANISCHE | RUMÄNISCH | GRIECHISCHE Die Wahl von Trump mit den Auswirkungen, die sie international, kommt zu einer Zeit, in der die Europäische Union sehr verwundbar ist, eingeklemmt zwischen Sicherheitsbedrohungen, Abhängigkeit von Drittländern in strategischen Sektoren, technologischer Rückständigkeit, einer wirtschaftlichen, politischen und sozialen Krise, die die Demokratie schwächt, und zwei Schlüsselländern, Deutschland und Frankreich, die durch interne Krisen gelähmt […]

EL 83 | Eppure, dove c'è il pericolo cresce anche ciò che salva...

INGLESE | FRANCESE | TEDESCO | SPAGNOLO | ROMENA | GRECA L’elezione di Trump, con le ripercussioni che provocherà a livello internazionale, arriva in un momento di grande vulnerabilità dell’Unione europea, stretta tra minacce alla sicurezza, la dipendenza da Paesi terzi nei settori strategici, il ritardo tecnologico, la crisi economica, politica e sociale che indebolisce la democrazia e i […]

EL 83 | But where the danger is, also grows the saving power...

ITALIAN | FRENCH | GERMAN| GREEK | ROMANIAN | SPANISH Trump's election, with the repercussions it will cause internationally, comes at a time of great vulnerability for the European Union, squeezed between security threats, dependence on third countries in strategic sectors, technological backwardness, an economic, political and social crisis that weakens democracy, and two key countries, Germany and […]

Crocodile: "Letter to the Members of the European Parliament" founded by Altiero Spinelli (1980-1995)

On 9 July 1980, Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986) brought together at the ‘Crocodile’ restaurant in Strasbourg eight MEPs who had accepted his appeal: ‘the Community must reform or perish’. This was the birth of the ‘Crocodile Club’, whose action, conducted in particular through the ‘Letter to the Members of the European Parliament’ in the early 1980s, […]

The role of European federalists and the Spinelli Group | Message from Lukas Mandl

On the occasion of the Union of European Federalists Federal Committee in Budapest on 16 November 2024, Lukas Mandl MEP EPP and new Chair of the Spinelli Group shared a strong video message. "Dear ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends of federalism, My name is Lukas Mandl. I'm an Austrian member of the European Parliament. I'm […]