Join us
There are two types of memberships available: membership in a national section or an individual membership.
As a UEF member, you are expected to adhere to the UEF Statutes regarding your membership and participation in the organization. Only members of the national sections, with the exception of motivated individual UEF members, can vote and be elected to UEF's electoral bodies: the Federal Committee and the Executive Bureau.
If you are between 14 and 35 years of age, you can also apply to join JEF Europe.
Become a member of a national section and participate in our political activities.
You can chose to become a member of one of our 27 national sections, which will allow you to fully participate within your national framework and vote in UEF elections.
Attention! Currently, the following sections are inactive: Czechia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. Please reach out to the sections to see if they have been re-activated, however, if you don’t hear a reply, you can join UEF through an individual membership.
Only in the case of the absence of a national section
In case of absence of a national section, interested individuals can join UEF as individual members.
You will be able to have access to latest news and all our events but will not be able to participate in the democratic organs of the organization in the same way that is it possible for a member of a National Section.
The yearly membership costs €48 (€24 for students/unemployed person).
Local and regional federalist groups which organise themselves in accordance with federalist and democratic principles, who align with the aims of the U.E.F. are encouraged to join UEF and will be endowed with transitory direct U.E.F. membership (Article 5 par. 1.2 of Statute).
Attention! Currently, the following sections are inactive: Czechia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. Please reach out to the sections to see if they have been re-activated. However, if you do not hear a reply, you can join UEF through an individual membership.
Every year, training events are organised for experienced and new activists to develop their skills and expertise. Beyond the opportunity to engage with expert speakers, it also is an excellent occasion to get practical training on campaigning for a federal Europe. A special federalist academy is even organised annually for members looking to develop their capabilities as activists and committed to working to strengthen their national or local sections.
Join a political commission of your choice and take part as an observer in the analysis and creation of a federalist response to current EU issues.
Get in touch with our team to become an observer, and if you want to push it further, you can join and become a member of our Federal Committee.
UEF engages in many types of campaigns and activities.
Grassroots actions are encoded in the federalists’ DNA. You can help organizing specific events and projects. It is only thanks to committed members that the UEF can “scale up” their events and their presence in the public sphere.
Do you ever participate in political debates and conferences? Be it as an attendee or a speaker, you can always make federalist interventions and ask questions raising federalists’ issues. This way, you can directly decision makers, opinion leaders, and the general public, who might have never heard about the federalist points of view. If you are organizing an event, don’t forget to add a federalist edge to it.
Why not present material to your attendees? Our publications are available online and frequently renewed.
Help us make the public hear our message!
For the European Federalists to become a more powerful voice of change, we all must be willing to speak up. If you are involved in any related activity, write, and blog about us. Persistent online communication can strengthen mechanisms allowing to influence the agenda of the European Union and decisions made.
Together, we can create a permanent presence of federalist ideas in media such as,,,,, or even your personal blog. Express your federalist point of view on current hot topics and inform the secretariat about articles you have written. We can also help you find inspiration thanks to our policy papers.
Write to us here:
Make full use of all your social media accounts to spread federalist ideas and share information about federalism with your friends and family.
Post and re-post federalist messages to your social networking sites and re-tweet and share the UEF tweets and posts.
If only 20 people post messages to their 300 friends network, we can reach out to 6 000 people. Imagine what we can do with our 30 000 European federalists network!
And why don’t you proudly display your UEF membership status on LinkedIn?
To get you started, visit our Facebook, Instagram, X , YouTube, Whatsapp Channel and LinkedIn accounts.
Last but not least, every bit helps; if you speak several languages, give us a hand in translating our material to spread the word.
The more languages we use, the more people we can reach out to.