Press kit

Download here the material of the UEF realized for voluntaries and people that want to know more about us and our campaigns.

Download here the UEF Logos for your documents and visual works:

Do you know? "It should be specified that at the moment of its foundation, the name ‘‘Union Europeenne de Federalistes’’ was used, as at the time, integral federalism was the dominant school of thought. The English title ‘‘Union of European Federalists’’, however, shifted the emphasis onto the objective of European unity on a federal basis rather than the integral federalist doctrine. When, as we will see, this doctrine became a minority element in the supranational organisation of European federalists, the name ‘‘Union des Federalistes Europeens’’ was utilized, while maintaining the acronym UEF in all languages."

Download here the flyer of the Spinelli Group with  datas and social medias accounts.

This handbook is the "physical" aspect of this project. It covers the basics to communicate effectively and in a concerted manner. More than ever, the Federalist movement must show unity and deliver concrete results. Our activists, European citizens, and political representatives are counting on us to promote and advance the idea of a federal Europe, sovereign and democratic. One way of achieving this objective is through thoughtful communication.

While this guide is open to all, it is mostly targeted at the people responsible for the communications activities of the UEF's national and local sections: infact the guide is not to be printed but to use online because a lot of usefull instruments are linked to the webpages and several services online as Canva and Sway.


