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UEF Insider 3/2024 | EP Elections edition

Welcome back to this special edition of the UEF Insider Newsletter dedicated to the closing of our political campaign and the European elections. Since yesterday, 7th of June, voting already started in some European countries and will continue until the 9th of June. During these intense months of campaigning, UEF, together with its sections, has been campaigning and raising awareness of the […]

Reprendre notre destin collectif en mainpasse par le fédéralisme européen

A l'initiative de l'Union des fédéralistes européens - France (UEF-France) et de son Conseil scientifique, des intellectuels et des universitaires soulignent la nécessité de mettre en place un fédéralisme européen efficace au niveau européen. Publié dans le journal Libération le 3 juin 2024 Read in English Dans la presse et dans les débats politiques récents, […]

Taking Control of Our Collective Destiny through European Federalism

Initiated by the Union of European Federalists - France (UEF France) and its Scientific Council, intellectuals and academics emphasize the need to implement effective European federalism at the European level. Published in the French national newspaper Libération on June 3rd, 2024 Read in French here In recent press and political debates, positions for or against […]

EU Reform and Treaty Change in the programs of the European Family Parties for EE2024

EU Reform and Treaty Change: Yes or No? The EU is currently debating crucial issues such as removing the veto power and directly electing the president. The various political parties in the EU—EPP, S&D, Renew Europe, ECR, I&D, Greens, and The Left—hold differing opinions on these matters. These debates are explored in this video. Go […]

EL79 | Τι διακυβεύεται στις ευρωπαϊκές εκλογές στις 6-9 Ιουνίου

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΉ | ΙΤΑΛΙΚΉ | ΓΑΛΛΙΚΉ | ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΉ | ΙΣΠΑΝΙΚΉ | ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΚΉ Eνόψει των ευρωεκλογών στις 6-9 Ιουνίου, η Ένωση Ευρωπαίων Φεντεραλιστών (UEF), μαζί με την Ένωση Jean Monnet, την Ομάδα Spinelli, τους Νέους Ευρωπαίους Φεντεραλιστές (JEF-Europe) και τον Guy Verhofstadt - Ευρωβουλευτή, πρώην Πρωθυπουργό του Βελγίου, ο οποίος ηγήθηκε των εργασιών για τη σύνταξη της […]

EL79 | Die Einsätze bei den europäischen Wahlen vom 6. bis 9. Juni

ENGLISCH | ITALIENISCHE | FRANZÖSISCHE | SPANISCHE | RUMÄNISCH | GRIECHISCHE Im Hinblick auf die Europawahlen am 6. und 9. Juni hat die Union Europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) zusammen mit der Vereinigung Jean Monnet, der Spinelli-Gruppe, den Jungen Europäischen Föderalisten (JEF-Europe) und Guy Verhofstadt - MdEP, ehemaliger belgischer Premierminister - ein Manifest/Appell veröffentlicht, der die Arbeiten […]

EL79 | Les enjeux des élections européennes du 6 au 9 juin

ANGLAIS | ITALIENNE | ALLEMANDE | ESPAGNOLE | ROUMAINE | GRECQUE En vue des élections européennes des 6-9 juin, l'Union des Fédéralistes Européens (UEF), en collaboration avec l'Association Jean Monnet, le Groupe Spinelli, les Jeunes Européens Fédéralistes (JEF-Europe) et Guy Verhofstadt - Député européen, ancien Premier Ministre de Belgique, qui a dirigé les travaux pour […]

EL79 | La posta in gioco nelle elezioni europee del 6-9 giugno

INGLESE | FRANCESE | TEDESCO | SPAGNOLO | ROMENA | GRECA In vista delle elezioni europee di giugno l’Unione dei Federalisti Europei (UEF), insieme alla Association Jean Monnet, al Gruppo Spinelli, ai Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) e a Guy Verhofstadt - parlamentare europeo, già primo Ministro del Belgio, che ha guidato i lavori per la stesura del Rapporto del […]

EL79 | Care este miza alegerilor europene din 6-9 iunie

ITALIANĂ | FRANCEZĂ | GERMANĂ | SPANIOLĂ | GREACĂ | ENGLEZĂ În perspectiva alegerilor europene din 6-9 iunie, Uniunea Federaliștilor Europeni (UEF), împreună cu Asociația Jean Monnet, Grupul Spinelli, Tinerii Federaliști Europeni (JEF-Europa) și Guy Verhofstadt - deputat european, fost prim-ministru al Belgiei, care a condus lucrările de elaborare a Raportului Parlamentului European cu propunerile […]

EL79 | What is at stake in the European elections on 6-9 June

ITALIAN | FRENCH | GERMAN | SPANISH | ROMANIAN | GREEK In view of the European elections on 6-9 June, the Union of European Federalists (UEF), together with the Association Jean Monnet, the Spinelli Group, the Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) and Guy Verhofstadt - MEP, former Prime Minister of Belgium, who led the work for the drafting of the European Parliament Report with the […]