We are delighted to inform you that the registration to Federal Committee Meeting on Saturday, 20 January 2024, is now open.
The FC meeting is open to members and observers.
Kindly find here the invitation as sent to the members of the Federal Committee:
If you are unable to attend and your section has already exhausted the list of Substitute Members, you may issue a proxy.
9.00 | Opening of the online platform & registration
9.30 | Opening of the meeting by the President
1. Election of the Presidium 2. Technical explanation of the rules of the meeting 3. Formalities: 3.1 Election of the Tellers 3.2 Election of the Credential Committee 3.3 Approval of the Agenda 3.4 Approval of the Minutes of the last FC meeting (21 October 2023)
9.45 | 4. Decision to convene an extraordinary Congress for the amendments of the statutes
4.1 Presentation by the President and the Secretary General 4.2 Vote on the convening of the extraordinary Congress
10.15 | 5. Election of the internal Auditors
10.30 | 6. Presentation and approval of the 2024 Budget
5.1 Presentation of the budget by the Treasurer 5.2 Presentation of the Activity Plan 2024 5.3 Report by internal Auditors 5.4 Vote on the new Financial and Contribution Order 5.5 Vote on the Budget 2024
11.15 | 7. Approval of the proposal prepared by the EB of the new Political Commissions
11.45 | 8. Workshop on the federalist political campaign up to the European Elections
8.1 Political Introduction by the President 8.2 State of preparation presented by the Secretariat 8.3 Debate and exchange of proposals among participants (FC members and representatives and activists of national sections)
12.45 | Closing remarks by the President
13.00 | Closing of the meeting
The invitation to the federal committee meeting
Registration link (available until 17th January)
ID Meeting 882 4455 8652
Access Code 576283
The folder includes:
- The draft agenda of the FC meeting
- The minutes of the October 2023 FC meeting
- The report on the UEF Budget proposal 2024 by the Treasurer Roland Hühn
- The UEF Budget proposal 2024
- The UEF Activity Plan 2024
- The Financial Contribution Order
- The proposal prepared by UEF of the new Political Commissions
- The draft list of participants in the FC meeting (update 14.01.2024)
Letter by the UEF Secretary General "In view of the convening of the extraordinary Congress on 6 April 2024" (14 January 2024)