Brussels | hybrid
We are delighted to inform you that the registration to Federal Committee Meeting on Saturday, 21 October 2023, is now open.
The FC meeting is open to members and observers.
Kindly find here the invitation as sent to the members of the Federal Committee.
If you are unable to attend and your section has already exhausted the list of Substitute Members, you may issue a proxy.
9.00: Arrival of participants, opening of the online platform & registration
9.45: Opening of the meeting by the Presidium
- Technical explanation of the rules of the meeting
- Formalities:
- Election of the Tellers
- Election of the Credential Committee
- Election of the Resolution Committee
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes of the last FC meeting (11-12 February 2023)
10.00: Presentation of the new positions appointed by the Executive Bureau
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa. Appointed by the EB President of the UEF
- Confirmation by the FC of the 3 new positions:
- New President: Domènec Ruiz Devesa
- Treasurer: Roland Hühn
- Acting Coordinator of the Secretariat: Luisa Trumellini, Vice-President
10.30: Welcome and introduction to the meeting
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of UEF
10.45: Financial Report
- Roland Hühn, Tresurer of UEF
- Q&A
Report by the Auditors
- Approval of the 2022 Balance sheet
- Approval of the revised Budget 2023
12.00: State of preparation of the XXVIII European Congress
- Membership and delegates
12.30: Activity Report
- Luisa Trumellini, Acting Coordinator of the Secretariat and UEF VP
- Q&A
13. 00: Lunch Break
- Meeting of the Resolution Committee
14.30: Political Debate in cooperation with PC 1
- “The AFCO Report and the process for Treaty reform”.
- Invited: AFCO Rapporteurs of the Treaty Reform and Spinelli Group Board members
- Programme in preparation
16.30: Report of the Political Commissions
- Political Commission 1: Institutional Affairs
- Political Commission 2: Rule of Law, Values & European Cohesion
- Political Commission 3: Foreign Affairs & Security
- Political Commission 4: Economic, Fiscal Policies & Social Policies
17.00: Report from
- National sections
- Young European Federalists
- World Federalist Movement
17.30: Vote on resolutions
17.50: Closing remarks by Domènec Ruiz Devesa, UEF President
18.00: End of the meeting
The Federal Committee meeting will take place at the Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels, in the vicinity of the UEF Secretariat office.
To face the costs of organising the Federal Committee meeting and as a contribution to the UEF, we kindly ask for a mandatory contribution of €50 for the registration, according to Art. 6 par (1) of the FCO in force. We thank you in advance for your support and your understanding.
Observers are exempt from the contribution.
In view of the Federal Committee meeting, the UEF Secretariat would like to remind you of the deadlines set by the Federal Committee Rules of Procedure for the presentation and management of resolutions.
Article 10.2 of the Federal Committee Rules of Procedure states that resolutions must be sent to the Secretariat within three weeks of the FC meeting so that they can then be made available to all FC members. In the case of the next meeting:
1 October, midnight (12 p.m.): deadline for submitting resolutions. You can use this form for the resolutions LINK3 October: resolutions will be circulated and there will be a week to propose amendments10 October, midnight: deadline for submitting amendements
All resolutions and amendaments must be sent to the email address of the Secretariat (
This activity is part of the project 101105089 — UEF-CERV-2022-OG-SGA financed by the EACEA under the CERV programme.
The Federal Committee of UEF has approved on 21 October 2023 the following resolution
- The invitation to the federal committee meeting
- Registration link (avaiable until 14th october)
- Proxy form
- Draft Agenda
- Folder
To prepare the work of the Political Commissions ahead of our meeting, here the calendar of the PCs meetings
- PC3 & PC5: debate on AI, Cybersecurity, and Democracy on 6 October, 17:30. Replay here the past event
- PC1: debate on the AFCO Report and the process for Treaty reform on 12 October, 18:00. Replay here the past event
- PC4: debate on Policy Solutions for Restoring Growth and Competitiveness in Europe on 17 October, 18:00, and 21 November, 18:00. Replay here the past event
- PC2: debate on the Slovak elections on 18 October, 18:00. Replay here the past event
Below, you can find the list of draft resolutions submitted to the Federal Committee meeting. To every resolutions is attached the form for amendments. From 3 October 2023 until 10 October 2023 midnight, all FC members can submit amendments by sending the related resolution in a Word file format to the UEF Secretariat (
Proposal 1: For a more democratic Europe now
Proposal 1: For a more democratic Europe now WITH AMENDAMENTS
Read the letter send to the FC member and Sections Member informing about the decision and discussions taken place during the FC: LINK HERE
- UEF FC Brussels, october 2023, votation
- UEF FC Brussels, october2023