EL 76 | European Parliament activates the treaty revision procedure: the significance of the vote and Europe’s priorities

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The European Letter is back.

The European Letter is published in 5 languages under the auspices of the Luciano Bolis European Foundation in cooperation with the Union of European Federalists, whose activities are co-financed by the European Union.

The European Letter is a periodical publication started in 1997 with the aim of stimulating political debate in national parliaments and governments, and in the European Parliament.

The European Letter 76 entitled "European Parliament activates the treaty revision procedure: the significance of the vote and Europe’s priorities", is sent to parliamentarians in the following legislative bodies:

  • European Parliament
  • Bundestag
  • Parliament of the French Republic
  • Parliament of the Italian Republic
  • Cortes generales (Spanish Parliament)
  • Nationalrat (Austrian Parliament)
  • Belgian Federal Parliament

The European Letter 76 publishes the note written by Luca Lionello after the 22 November vote in the European Parliament on the proposals of the European Parliament's for the Amendment of the Treaties (2022/2051(INL)). This report proposes a profound institutional reform to make the European Union more democratic and capable of action, and thus adequate to face political challenges and enlargement. This vote also formally opens the procedure for Treaty revision, and in this respect calls on national governments and parliaments to take sides.

Precisely with this in mind - in view of the EU Council's transmission to the European Council (hopefully as early as December, so that a decision can be taken at the March meeting) - the European Letter publishes this note explaining the content and value of this Report and invites national parliaments to discuss it with their governments.

The European Letter has also pointed out this draft resolution (LINK) for national parliaments to discuss and adopt.

Here below the four translated version of the European Letter:
