PC3 Debate on European defence and the institutional problem
PC3 Debate on European defence and the institutional problem with General Vincenzo Camporini
Friday 12th April from 17.30 | Online
The guest of our debate will be General Vincenzo Camporini, former Italian Armed Forces Chief of Staff and actually . The discussion will focus on the main hurdles and challenges of the European Common Foreign and Security Policy and the current issues surrounding the topic.
From April 2001 to February 2004, General Camporini was Chief of Defence Staff and then became President of the Defence High Studies Centre (March 2004), a post he held until September 2006.
On 20 September 2006, he took office as Chief of Staff of the Air Force.
From 12 February 2008 to 17 January 2011, General Camporini was Chief of Defence Staff.
He is currently a member of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Italy USA Foundation.
General Vincenzo Camporini has already spoken more than once in the federalist debate in Italy and most recently kindly participated in the video co-produced with EU Made Simple on the topic of defence.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/7fm2Enespxc?si=4Ym4amt2Pf3cjoej
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