Treaty Reform Now! A public debate to discuss the future of the European Union
Art Café, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art 1, place Hans-Jean-Arp, Strasbourg, France
The UEF and its French partners are organising a public debate between citizens, Members of the European Parliament, CoFoE Citizens’ Ambassadors, and representatives of the civil society in Strasbourg to discuss the reform of the European treaties, as a follow-up of the Conference on the Future of Europe, also keeping an eye on the 2024 European elections.
Hervé Moritz, President of the Mouvement Européen France, Silvia Romano, Member of the Executive Board of UEF France, and Antoine Chabal, President of JEF France will give introductory remarks and moderate the debate.
Jeanne Barseghian, major of Strasbourg, will honour us with welcoming words (TBC). UEF President Sandro Gozi MEP will open the debate.
Our distinguished guests include (in order of intervention):
- Guy Verhofstadt MEP, rapporteur of the European Parliament's AFCO committee report on Treaty change
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa MEP, Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists
- Markus Ferber MEP, Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists
- François Leray, President of the UEF France
- Annemie De Clerck, CoFoE citizen ambassador
- Huub Verhoeven, CoFoE citizen ambassador
- Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament
- Pascal Durand, Member of the European Parliament
- Fréderique Berrod, member of the UEF France Scientific Council
- Antonio Argenziano, President of the Young European Federalists (JEF)
- Luisa Trumellini, Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists
Tristan Boursico, President of the Mouvement Européen - Alsace will invite the participation to the 9 May demonstration in front of the European Parliament.
During the evening, the UEF will offer a reception to all participants.
This event is linked to the petition Respect the Will of the Citizens and the Conference on the Future of Europe calling the Council of the EU to answer to the European Parliament’s resolution of June 2022 asking for treaty reform.