
From the Conference on the Future of Europe to the Construction of a Federal Union (ita)
culture | institutional-reform
italy | uef
From the Conference on the Future of Europe to the construction of a Federal Union: the European Parliament's proposal for reform of the Treaties
Conference on the occasion of the 80 years of the Movimento Federalista Europeo
Event in presence at the University of Pavia (Aula Volta), 17 November, 9:30 | Language of work: italian.
- Chaired by Andrea Zatti, University of Pavia
- Federico Fabbrini, Dublin City University Treaty reform and the future of the European Union after the war in Ukraine
- Tomasz Wozniakowski, Luiss “Guido Carli” University Fiscal Solidarity and Tax Capacity in Times of Crisis. The US and EU Compared
- Andrea Santini, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan The strengthening of European democracy in the proposed reform of the Treaties
- Conclusions, Giulia Rossolillo, University of Pavia