Newsletter UEF 20 March 2006 - Nr. 30 Newsletter UEF April 2006 - Nr. 31 Newsletter UEF May 2006 - Nr. 32 Newsletter UEF July 2006 - Nr. 33 Newsletter UEF October 2006 - Nr. 34 Newsletter UEF December 2006 - Nr. 35
16 February 2004 On the occasion of the 20th anniversary -14 February-, of the adoption by the European Parliament of the draft Constitutional Treaty presented by Altiero Spinelli, the Union of European Federalists reaffirms the urgency to proceed resolutely on the constituent track initiated twenty years ago. According to UEF Secretary-General Bruno BOISSIERE : " […]
One effect of the passing of the decades, and of the turnover of generations it brings, is the disappearance of personal historical memory. We all have access to history books, and to the endless historical reflections and reconstructions that seek to interpret the events of the recent past, but there is a world of difference […]
12 February 2003 The Praesidium’s Draft of Articles 1 to 16 of the Constitutional Treaty : An insufficient proposal which does not faithfully reflect the consensus within the European Convention The Bureau of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) welcomes the presentation by the Convention Praesidium of the draft of first articles of the Constitutional Treaty. […]
21 January 2002 EP delegation must be a driving force in the Constitutional Convention Bruno BOISSIERE, European Secretary-General of the U.E.F., explained that the 16 Members of the European Parliament, who were appointed during the Strasbourg plenary session, should play a key role as the driving force within the Convention on the future of Europe. On the […]
Debate over the political philosophy of Immanuel Kant, and over his federalist or confederalist ideas is still very much alive and culminated two years ago, in the staging of a number of conventions and in the publication of many works to mark the two hundredth anniversary of the publication of Perpetual Peace. Peace, or the […]
A Philosophical Sketch by Immanuel Kant 1795 Whether this satirical inscription on a Dutch innkeeper's sign upon which a burial ground was painted had for its object mankind in general, or the rulers of states in particular, who are insatiable of war, or merely the philosophers who dream this sweet dream, it is not for us […]
UEF Newsletter nr. 5 March 1996 UEF Newsletter nr. 6 April 1996 UEF Newsletter nr. 7, May 1996 UEF Newsletter nr. 8, Juny and July 1996 UEF Newsletter nr. 8 extra, July 1996 UEF Newsletter nr. 9, August-September 1996 UEF Newsletter nr. 10, October 1996 UEF Newsletter 10-bis Extra Special, November 1996 UEF Newsletter 11/12, […]