XXVI UEF European Congress

23-25 November 2018

The UEF XXVI European Congress will be the occasion to discuss the European Federalists' strategy, campaign and policy proposals for the many challenges Europe is facing today: the completion of the Monetary Union, the development of the EU's social dimension, the reinforcement of the EU defense capabilities and, last but not least, the prospects for further political integration in view of the upcoming 2019 European elections. Most importantly, the Congress will be the occasion to review the shape and the way of working and financing of our organisation in a very difficult financial and organisation moment. Last but not least, the Congress is a expected to elect a new President of the organisation.

Sovereign again through Europe


Friday 23rd November 2018, 12:00-19:00

12:00 Welcoming of participants and registration of delegates
13:30 UEF Federal Committee meeting
14:00 Opening Session of the UEF XXVI European Congress
14:45 Opening Speech and Political report by UEF President Elmar Brok
15:15 Activity report by UEF Secretary General Paolo Vacca
16:00 Public event "Sovereign again through Europe" (register here / programme)
19:00 End of session

Saturday 24th November 2018, 09:00-19:00

08:30 Welcoming of participants and registration of delegates
09:00 Political Commissions and Working Groups
12:00 Deadline for candidatures of elected Members of the Federal Committee and Arbitration Board
12:00 Family picture and lunch
13:00 Finances
14:00 Amendments to the Statutes
15:30 Reports of Political Commissions and Working Groups, presentation of resolutions
General debate on resolutions
17:30 Deadline for amendments to the proposed resolutions and motions
17:30 Presentation of candidate(s) for UEF President
18:00 Elections, opening of ballots
19:00 Closing of ballots
19:00 Meeting of the Resolutions Committee

Sunday 25th November 2018, 09:00-12:30

09:00 Meeting of National Delegates to nominate appointed members of the Federal Committee
09:15 Announcement of election results
09:30 Votes on resolutions
11:00 Closing speech by the new elected President
11:15 End of the Congress
11:15 Meeting of the new Federal Committee
13:00 End of the Federal Committee

Registration and participation conditions - 2021

Participation to the UEF XXVII European Congress is open to delegates of UEF constituent organisations as well as to any observer that would like to attend the meeting.
Registration is compulsory by filling in the registration form.

Registration will be confirmed upon receipt by the UEF Secretariat of the participation contribution of 60,00 EUR (a reduced participation contribution of 30,00 EUR applies to JEF members, participants under 25 years old and job seekers). The participation fee needs to be transferred to the following bank account:

Union of European Federalists

Name of the bank: BNP PARIBAS FORTIS BANK, Rond-point Robert Schuman 10, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
IBAN code: BE69210037609578

Communication: "Congress Valencia 2021: *First Name* *Last Name*"

Submission of candidacies

Submission of candidacies to become members of the UEF Bureau (including Vice-Presidents and Treasurer)

All members desiring to submit their candidacy to the positions of UEF Bureau members (including Vice-Presidents and Treasurer) are requested to submit their candidacy by following the Bureau Candidacy Submission Form by 26th October midnight.

Submission of candidacies to become members of the UEF Federal Committee

All members desiring to submit their candidacy to become UEF Federal Committee elected members will be requested to submit their candidacy during the Congress before Saturday 24th November at 13:00.

Nominated UEF Federal Committee Members (not submitted to vote during the Congress) will be invited to communicate their personal details after they are nominated by their sections.
