March - December 2023 | Petition to the Council of the EU
The European context
After the Conference on the Future of Europe, the European Parliament, with the support of the Commission, has taken action to demand that a Convention for the Reform of the Treaties be initiated, and will present a report with its proposals in the spring.
As we well know, the Council of the EU tries to stall and discourage the idea of initiating EU reform
On the occasion of the event on 2 December 2022, the CoFoE Citizens’Panels Ambassadors – who also represented citizens in the plenary of the Conference - denounced the Council of the EU's silence and obstructionism.
The European Parliament needs to feel the support of civil society and citizens in its difficult battle to launch a Convention and reform the Treaties. It is up to us federalists to make this support felt, through concrete actions and initiatives, also by promoting the will expressed by the CoFoE citizens and by working in synergy with them.
Campaign goals
Mobilizing public opinion to
- support the European Parliament in its action for the reform of the EU institutions;
- support the process initiated by the Conference on the Future of Europe and the CoFoE citizens' initiative vis-à-vis the Council of the EU.
Petition to the Council of the EU
Together with the European Parliament and the Citizens of the CoFoE we call for a Convention to reform the Treaties
Europe is facing a dramatic moment in its history and is being called upon to respond to immense challenges in order to protect its citizens, ensure respect for its fundamental values and defend freedom and democracy. In this context, the Conference on the Future of Europe was a key democratic moment that involved citizens in a reflection on the nature and future of the European Union. It was not a formality, or a mere consultative exercise. At the end of a multi-layered process, the citizens drew up precise requests: they demanded that the European Union be strengthened in terms of external and internal action and that European democracy be developed further, both through forms of direct democracy and by giving more powers and competences to the Union's political institutions.
Most of the proposals elaborated in the conference can be implemented under current treaties, but some require Treaty change. They are few, but fundamental, for increasing the powers and improving the decision-making mechanisms of the EU.
The European Parliament, with the support of the Commission, has already taken action to call for a Convention to reform the Treaties, and will present a report with its proposals in the spring. It is up to the Council to take action to allow this request to move forward; but the Council and national governments try to discourage the possibility of initiating EU reform.
The Citizens' Panel Ambassadors of the Conference on the Future of Europe – who also represented the citizens in the Conference plenary - denounce this silent and stalling behaviour of the Council which is damaging the potential of the Conference.
As they state. "In case that amending the Treaties is the only way for implementing a proposal, we see it as a necessity that must be pursued", they have declared "The requirement of amending the Treaties and requesting to open a convention is already supported by Parliament and the Commission. The Council has not expressed its support, thus showing again its unwillingness to listen to the citizens' voice, and to pursue the change the EU needs".
The Council of the EU cannot arrogate to itself the power to block a democratic process!
It cannot pretend that the citizens have not spoken and asked to shape a stronger and more democratic Europe.
Sign the petition to support the demands of the Citizens and the European Parliament!
Presentation of the campaign
Languages version of the petitions
English version
Download here the petition in PDF in grey
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Italian version
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France version
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Greek version
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Spanish version
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German version
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Download here the petition in PDF in green
List of signatures
List of signatures (update 8 May 2023)
Total signatures collected at end of 2023: 1856
UEF and its sections collected the signatures of:
- POLITICIANS |European and National Parliamentarians, and Members of Government - Local, provincial, regional administrators - party representatives - former MPs
- THIRD SECTOR, President and/or Vice-President, national, regional or local General Secretary
- ACADEMICS, University professors or researchers