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EL77 | Numai o Europă suverană își poate proteja cetățenii și statele membre în noua fază de instabilitate și concurență globală

ITALIANĂ | FRANCEZĂ | GERMANĂ | SPANIOLĂ | GREACĂ | ENGLEZĂ Scrisoarea Europeană a fost trimisă deputaților și membrilor Parlamentului European din următoarele parlamente: Parlamentul European, Parlamentul italian, francez, german, austriac, spaniol, belgian, olandez, grecesc și românesc. La 22 noiembrie, Parlamentul European a inițiat procedura de modificare a tratatelor UE. În prezent, Consiliul European trebuie […]

Why we need a Convention to change the Treaties

1. Introductory remarks The crises of recent years, and in particular Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the current worldwide attempt to impose an autocratic model that strips the achievements of democracy of their content, have forcefully raised the issue of a profound reform of the Union, made all the more urgent by the now imperative […]

EL77 | Only a sovereign Europe can protect its citizens and its member states in the new phase of instability and global competition

ITALIAN | FRENCH | GERMAN | SPANISH | ROMANIAN | GREEK This European Letter has sent to the MPs and MEPs of the following Parliaments: European Parliament, Italian, French, German, Austrian, Spanish, Belgian, Netherland, Greek and Romanian Parliaments. On November 22nd, the European Parliament initiated the procedure for changing the EU Treaties. It is now […]

The EU Parliament proposal to reform the EU Treaties

A new way to elect the EU president? No more VETO voting? The European Parliament has set the stage for a potential seismic shift towards a more federalized European Union with a new proposal that seeks to alter the bloc's fabric in three substantial ways. This initiative calls for a comprehensive reshaping of EU institutions, […]

What is the Future of EU Defense

The European Union has a mix of 30 kinds of tanks, 20 types of planes, and 27 different military offices. The U.S., on the other hand, has just one military headquarters and fewer kinds of tanks and planes. If European countries shared their military resources and worked together more, they might be stronger within NATO […]


ENGLISCH | ITALIENISCH | FRANZÖSISCH Am 22. November hat das Europäische Parlament über den Bericht über die Vorschläge des Europäischen Parlaments zur Änderung der Verträge (2022/2051(INL)) abgestimmt. In diesem Bericht wird eine tiefgreifende institutionelle Reform vorgeschlagen, um die Europäische Union demokratischer und handlungsfähiger zu machen und so den politischen Herausforderungen und der Erweiterung gewachsen zu […]

EL76 | La reforme des traités présentée à la Commission des Affaires Constitutionnelles jette les bases d’un processus constitutionnel fédéral

ITALIEN | ANGLAIS | ALLEMAND Le 22 novembre, le rapport sur les propositions du Parlement européen pour la modification des traités (2022/2051(INL)) a été voté par le Parlement européen. Ce rapport propose une profonde réforme institutionnelle pour rendre l'Union européenne plus démocratique et plus capable d'agir, et donc apte à faire face aux défis politiques […]

EL76 | Il Parlamento europeo apre la procedura di riforma dei trattati:il significato del voto e le priorita' per l’Europa

INGLESE | FRANCESE | TEDESCO La Lettera europea è stata inviata ai deputati e alle deputate dei seguenti Parlamenti: Parlamento europeo, Parlamento italiano, francese, tedesco, austriaco, spagnolo, belga e olandese. Il 22 novembre è stato votato dal Parlamento europeo il Rapporto sulle Proposte del Parlamento europeo per la riforma de Trattati (2022/2051(INL)). Questo rapporto propone […]

Mapping the cost of non-Europe (2022-2032)

Furthe Europe an integration can help respond to present and future challenges.

EL76 | Parliament activates the Treaty Revision procedure: the significance of the vote and Europe's priorities

ITALIAN | FRENCH | GERMAN The European Letter has sent to the MPs and MEPs of the following Parliaments: European Parliament, Italian, French, German, Austrian, Spanish, Belgian, Netherland Parliaments. On 22 November, the Report on the proposals of the European Parliament's for the Amendment of the Treaties (2022/2051(INL)) was voted by the European Parliament. This […]
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