
6 July 2024

The Federal Committee is convened on 6th of July, from 9:00 to 13:00.


9.00 | 1. Opening of the online platform & registration
9.30 | 2. Opening of the meeting by the Presidium
2.1 Technical explanation of the rules of the meeting
3. Formalities:
3.1 Election of the Tellers
3.2 Election of the Credential Committee
3.3 Approval of the Agenda
3.4 Approval of the Minutes of the last FC meeting (6 April 2024)
9.45 | 4. Political Report by the President
4.1 Political debate
11.00 | 5. Presentation of accounts 2023 and grant management 2023,2024,2025
5.1 Presentation of the accounts and grant management 2023, 2024, 2025 by the Treasurer
5.2 Presentation activity reports 2023 and 2024
5.3. Presentation on the new Fundraising Strategy
5.4 Adoption of the accounts 2023
5.5 Adoption of the new Fundraising Strategy
12:15| 6. UEF Romania, Admission Procedure 
6.1 Presentation of the formal request of admission
6.2 Adoption of the EB proposal
12.45 | Closing remarks by the President
13.00 | Closing of the meeting


Report campaign of UEF sections (UEF secretariat adds here as soon as the presentations are received)


Please register here.

If you are unable to attend and your section has already exhausted the list of Substitute Members, you may issue a proxy.



The participation to this Extraordinary FC meeting is free but we are grateful for any donation.

Link here
