For a federal Europe, sovereign and democratic - The time is now!
conference-on-the-future-of-europe | democracy
france | uef
Against the return of war in Europe, for the defence of democratic values, freedom and justice, to bring to the world a peaceful model of coexistence between people and to show the way to tackle the great global challenges of our time, we need a federal, sovereign and democratic Europe.
After the Conference on the Future of Europe, let’s launch a Convention to reform the Treaties, in response to the needs and demands of the citizens and building on the achievements of the Conference.
- Sandro GOZI, MEP, President of UEF, Member of the Plenary of the CoFoE
- Daniel FREUND, MEP, President of the Spinelli Group, MEP, Observer in the Executive Board of the CoFoE and Member of its Plenary (online)
- Guy VERHOFSTADT, MEP, Co-Chair of the Executive Board of the CoFoE and Member of its Plenary
- Christa SCHWENG, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, invited Observer in the Executive Board of the CoFoE and Member of its Plenary
- Brando BENIFEI, MEP, Vice-President of EMI, Member of the Plenary of the CoFoE (online)
- Sandro GOZI, MEP, President of UEF, Member of the Plenary of the CoFoE
- Jo LEINEN, Honorary President of UEF, former MEP, former President of JEF, former President of EMI, former President of the Federalist Intergroup
- Domènec RUIZ DEVESA,MEP, Vice-President of UEF, Member of the Plenary of the CoFoE (online)
- Luisa TRUMELLINI,Secretary General of Movimento Federalista Europeo, Vice-President of UEF
- Apostolos TZITZIKOSTAS, President of the Committee of the Regions, invited Observer in the Executive Board of the CoFoE and Member of its Plenary (online)
- Antonella VALMORBIDA, Secretary General of ALDA (European Association for Local Democracy) and Chair of the European Partnership for Democracy, Member of the CoFoE Plenary
- Julian PLOTTKA, Chair of the Political Commission 1 of UEF
Closing Remarks:
- Brando BENIFEI, MEP, Vice-President of EMI, Member of the Plenary of the CoFoE
- Sandro GOZI, MEP,President of UEF, Member of the Plenary of the CoFoE
With cocktail aperitif after the event (c.a. 12:30 - 13:30)
- Registration here:
- Download the program in PDF here
- Download here