UEF confirmed beneficiary of the CERV operating grant 2022

News & Comment

For several years now, UEF has been one of the beneficiaries of the operating grant of the “Europe for Citizens” programme of the EACEA – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union and before of this program of others.

Thus, we are thrilled to announce that, again this year, UEF has been confirmed beneficiary of the operating grant of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union!

The CERV stems from the fusion of the previous programmes “Europe for Citizens” and “Rights, Equality and Citizens Programme”, and aims to protect and promote rights and values as layed down in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights in particular by supporting civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level.

This grant proves the effectiveness of UEF’s actions for the promotion of democracy and citizens participation in Europe and beyond

In 2023, UEF focuses on the following actions:

• As a CoFoE plenary member, UEF supports the effective, comprehensive and consistent implementation of its conclusions to make the EU fit for the future.

• UEF works for making European elections 2024 a real choice and increasing the turnout. It develops an integrated go vote campaign and builds a civil society coalition to implement it.

• UEF stimulates debates on current challenges, e.g. inflation, energy policy, and raises awareness for EU values as the basis for European solidarity with innovative, creative online formats.

• UEF will continue to deepen & enlarge its network, by empowering its members on the local level to become change makers for Europe.
