Press Release

Sandro GOZI, President of the Union of European Federalists, welcomes President Macron’s new initiative for a European renaissance, a direct letter to the citizens of  Europe, published today on a number of European newspapers and invites European citizens to mobilise and support it.

“European Renaissance! With great courage and vision, today French President Emmanuel Macron is relaunching the Europe we want and for which we are fighting: a sovereign Europe, a Europe of citizens, of democracy and popular participation, which multiplies protection, security and freedom for Europeans. 

Guaranteed minimum salary, new industrial policy, common defence, bank for climate, European right of asylum and common control of Europe external border: these are very concrete proposals, we have been proposing them for a long time and they respond to the new needs of European citizens.   

The progressive platform proposed by President Macron can and must be the basis to build a new political majority in the European Parliament after the European elections, as we European Federalists propose in our Manifesto for the European elections.

A European Renaissance without taboos, and therefore including also a revision of the Treaties, with a new and strong popular participation from the beginning. A Conference for Europe, with representatives of the European institutions and the Member States, should be gathered before year-end, to prepare a roadmap for this political project. This is the only way for a real re-foundation of Europe.

We must now mobilise citizens across the continent to make these proposals a reality as soon as possible. We European Federalists are ready and will play our part in all the Member States of the Union”.


The Union of European Federalists (UEF) is a pan-European, non-governmental political organisation dedicated to the promotion of European political unity. For more than 70 years UEF has been a leading voice in the promotion of European unity and an early campaigner for key milestones in the development of the European Communities and then the European Union. With 25 national sections and over 400 local groups across Europe, UEF promotes a federal Europe among citizens and political representatives at all levels of government. More on:

Sandro GOZI is the President of Union of European Federalists, he was the Secretary of State for European Affairs in the Renzi and Gentiloni Governments (2014-2018) and Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2006-2018). Prior to that, he was a diplomat and then spent more than a decade in the European institutions notably as a European Commission official (1996-2000) and then as member of the Cabinet of European Commission President Romano Prodi (2000-2004) and advisor to European Commission President Jose Barroso.


Press contact

Bruxelles: Valentina Presa, +32.2.5083030

Rome: Lorena Vetro,, +39.338.7800683
