CERV Operating Grant 2022
The Union of European Federalists (UEF) is a pan-European, non-partisan NGO with 19 constituent member organisations, and their sub organisations. With over 30,000 individual members from all member states, it empowers citizens on all levels and of different backgrounds to act as a democratic force and stimulates debates on the political vision for the EU.
The 2022 grant enabled UEF to broadcast innovative online formats reaching younger people and maximising its impact and helped us to spread and communicate EU values.
A video livestream of demonstrations supporting Ukraine across Europe with President Zelenskyy received over 450,000 views and global media coverage (LINK).
Other formats translate hot EU topics into simple words and receive each up to 7,000 live (logged in the chat for over 2 hours) and an additional over 100,000 playthroughs on various online platforms (we muliti livestreamed on various channels Facebook, Discord, Twitch and Youtube! - see for example UEF video podcast, LINK).
In 2023, UEF focuses on the following actions:
• As a CoFoE plenary member, UEF supports the effective, comprehensive and consistent implementation of its conclusions to make the EU fit for the future.
• UEF works for making EP2024 elections a real choice and increasing the turnout. It develops an integrated go vote campaign and builds a civil society coalition to implement it.
• UEF stimulates debates on current challenges, e.g. inflation, energy policy, and raises awareness for EU values as the basis for European solidarity with innovative, creative online formats.
• UEF will continue to deepen & enlarge its network, by empowering its members on the local level to become change makers for Europe.