The UEF at the Ventotene Seminar on Federalism
The ‘Altiero Spinelli’ Institute of Federalist Studies and the Municipality of Ventotene (Latina) are organising on the Pontine Island, under the patronage of the Province of Latina, the European Federalist Training Seminar dedicated to ‘federalism in Europe and the world’.
From 1 to 6 September, at the ‘Terracini’ Multipurpose Centre (Sala Polifunzionale) in Ventotene, over one hundred young people will take part in the 43rd national edition. At the same time, the ‘Spinelli’ Institute will hold the 40th international edition of the Ventotene Seminar with the participation of some thirty young people from all over the world, thanks to the collaboration of the UEF (European Union of Federalists), the JEF (Young European Federalists) and the World Federalist Movement (WFM).
Prior to the opening of the Seminar there will be a special session at the Ventotene Municipality of the Spinelli Group and the Action Committee for a United States of Europe.
UEF will participate with speakers and will also present its activities and distribute promotional materials to inform young people at the seminar of our activities and campaigns.
The seminar is a unique and intense experience on federalist studies. There are two Seminars:
- the 43th National Seminar (Italian) on Federalism 150 participants, 60 hours of training and debates, 30 speakers. PROGRAM
- the 40th International Seminar on Federalism with 30 participants, 60 hours of training and debates, 20 speakers. PROGRAM BELOW
During both seminars there will also be political events with local and European politicians to discuss in such a significant place the need for reform of this Europe starting with its Treaties and the opening of a Convention.
We would like to highlight that on the 1st of September (Morning/Early Afternoon) there will be a Spinelli Group meeting with the handover from the outgoing Board to the new members.
In particular the UEF is partner and/or promoters of those events and interventions
14:45 | Council Room Municipality of Ventotene | Spinelli Group Meeting and Signature of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe partnership
14:45 Institutional greetings
- Giuseppe Pepe (Vice-Mayor of Ventotene)
14:55 Opening speech
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of the Union of European Federalists, ex-officio Member of the Spinelli Group
15:15 – 16:15 Interventions
- Thijs Reuten, MEP (S&D), Member of the Spinelli Group
- Christelle Savall, President of the Young European Federalists
- Luisa Trumellini, Secretary General of Movimento Federalista Europeo
- Philippe Laurette, President of Association Jean Monnet
- Giulia Rossolillo, Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists
16:15 Signing ceremony of the political declaration and the partnership agreement for the Action Committee
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of the Union of European Federalists
- Philippe Laurette, President of the Association Jean Monnet
- Christelle Savall, President of the Young European Federalists
16:30 Final remarks
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of the Union of European Federalists

17.00 | Sala Polifunzionale | Joint inauguration of the 43rd Ventotene Italian Seminar and 40th International Seminar
Opening of the 40th Italian Ventotene Seminar
Institutional greetings (ITA):
- Giuseppe Pepe, Vice-Mayor of Ventotene
- Vittoria Ciaramella, Prefect of Latina
- Francesco Rocca, President of the Lazio Region
- Gerardo Stefanelli, President of the Province of Latina
- Gabriele Panizzi, Vice-President of the Altiero Spinelli Institute
Opening of the 40th International Ventotene Seminar joint session with the Italian Seminar
Institutional greetings – Opening (ENG) with
- Josep Borrell, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission EU
- Guy Verhofstadt, EMI President, ex-officio Member of the Spinelli Group
- Domenec Ruiz Devesa, UEF President
- Nikolaos Farantouris, MEP The Left, Member of the Spinelli Group
- Thijs Reuten, MEP S&D Member of the Spinelli Group
- Philippe Laurette, President Association Jean Monnet,
- Klaus Welle, former Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Chair Martens Centre’s Academic Council
- Stefano Castagnoli, President Altiero Spinelli Institute and MFE President
Awarding of the ‘Antonio Saggio’ Prize
Commemoration of Eugenio Colorni - Cancellation and postcard Poste Italiane s.p.a

9.30 – 13.00: History and role of federalism and of the European Federalists (SPECIAL SESSION with House Jean Monnet)
- Domenec Ruiz Devesa, President of the Union of European Federalists, former MEP (2019-2024)
- Luisa Trumellini, National Secretary of the Movimento Federalista Europeo
- Martì Grau Segu, House Jean Monnet

17.00 – 20.00 | Reconciling the need for federal deepening and political enlargement
- Christelle Savall, President of the Young European Federalists (JEF), Executive Bureau Member of the UEF
- Luca Lionello, Chair of the PC1 of the UEF Federal Committee - On Federalist Strategy for a Federal Reform of the EU

21:15 | Council Room, Municipality of Ventotene | Action Committee for the United States of Europe Meeting
21:15 Institutional greetings
- Giuseppe Pepe (Vice-Mayor of Ventotene)
21:30 Opening speech
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of the Union of European Federalists
21:50 - 22:30 Interventions
- Taillie Lieven, Vice-President of the Jean Monnet Association (online)
- Christelle Savall, President of the Young European Federalists
- Martí Grau Segú, Head of Service and Curator of the Jean Monnet House at the European Parliament
- Luisa Trumellini, Secretary General of Movimento Federalista Europeo
- Virgilio Dastoli, President of the European Movement Italy
- Giulia Rossolillo, Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists
- Klaus Welle. former Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Chair Martens Centre’s Academic Council
22:30 Final remarks
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of the Union of European Federalists
- Stefano Castagnoli, President of the Institute of Federalist Studies Altiero Spinelli
***Signing ceremony will take place on Sunday afternoon 1 September 2024 in the frame of the Spinelli Group Meeting
9.30-13.00: European sovereignty in the proposals of the European Parliament to amend the Treaties
- Giulia Rossolillo, Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists, Professor of European Union Law
- Sophie Heine (remote), Author and consultant, research associate at the Egmont Institute - Royal Institute of International Relations, UEF France Scientific Committee

17.00 – 20.00: The digital transformation. Challenges and opportunities
- Brando Benifei (remote), MEP S&D, Member of the Spinelli Group
- Benedetta Veneruso, JEF Estonia President
9.30 – 13:00 | Building an EU Defense for Fostering Positive Peace
- Vincenzo Camporini, Former Chief of the Defence General Staff and consultant of Istituto Affari Internazionali
- Kati Systä, JEF Executive Board Member
17.00 – 20.00 | The ecological transformation. Challenges and opportunities
- Chloè Fabre, Chair of the PC4 of the UEF Federal Committee - On the European Green Deal, Energy union, digital transition, and related economic policies President of UEF France
- Hanna Lein-Mathisen, JEF Executive Board Member
21.45, Sala Polifunzionale | Projection of the documentary film "La voce di Ventotene" (2023, ‘65 minutes, Italian audio, English subtitles) with introduction from the director Stefano Di Polito
Over 800 anti-fascist prisoners were transferred to the tiny island of Ventotene starting in July 1939, including Sandro Pertini (later President of the Italian Republic), Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi.
Despite the harsh restrictions, they managed to organize a clandestine library and write the important Ventotene Manifesto, which would lay the foundations for the European Union.
After 80 years, the documentary retraces this story through the voices of the islanders.
INFO AND TRAILER: stefanodipolito.it/la-voce-di-ventotene
- Stefano Di Polito, Director
- Alessio Castagna, Director of Photography
- Stefano Castagnoli, President of the Altiero Spinelli Institute
- Daphne Gogue, Executive Board Member of UEF
- Mayor or Deputy Mayor, Muncipality of Ventotene
- Martina Ciai, Writer

9.30 – 13:00 | How can EU win the challenge of competitiveness
- Fabio Masini, Economist, lecturer in the History of Economic Thought and Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Governance at Roma Tre University
- Giorgia Sorrentino, Secretary General of JEF Italy
17.00 – 20.00 | Federalism to govern globalization: international justice, common institutions and cooperation (Special Session with WFM-IGP)
- Daphne Gogou, Executive Bureau Member of the UEF
- James A. Williams, Director Asian Youth Centre, president South Asian Federalists

9.30 -13:00 | Conclusions of the International Seminar - Our commitments as federalists: Innovation and tradition
Panel discussion on political communication and campaigns
- Davide Negri, UEF Secreatariat Political Communication and Campaign Strategist
- Flavia Sandu, UEF Secretariat Policy Officer