European Constitution now! Adoption without veto!

Adopted by the UEF Bureau meeting in Berlin on 7-8 February 2004.

Call to the national governments and parliaments and the European Palriament: European Constitution now! Adoption without veto!

The Union of European Federalists deeply regrets the failure of the Brussels IGC summit in December 2003. The draft Constitutional Treaty adopted by consensus by the European Convention, a legitimate body representing not only the governments but also the parliaments of Europe, is a balanced compromise which would mean an important step towards a more democratic, effective and transparent European Union.

The outcome of the Brussels summit clearly demonstrated once more the failure of the intergovernmental method. If the principle of national veto is maintained, a relaunch of the intergovernmental negotiations will not yield any results in 2004.

The UEF therefore calls:

1. on the national parliaments to endorse the Constitution drafted by the Convention - in a coordinated action together with the European Parliament - no later than the beginning of May 2004;

2. on the Heads of state and government to approve the draft Constitution without any substantial amendments at an extraordinary summit before the European elections.

If some national governments are not ready to sign the draft Constitution those governments that are willing to go ahead should do so without delay. No veto of a single government should prevent the others to do what is urgently needed to enable the enlarged European Union to face the challenges of the future. If there is no agreement on the Constitution before the EP elections the constitutional idea will be threatened, risking the disintegration of the Union.

Furthermore the UEF calls on those national parliaments and governments willing to endorse the draft Constitution and the European Parliament to agree also on

a ratification clause based on the majority principle providing that the European Constitution should enter into force as soon as a large majority of the member states have ratified it;

a revision clause including an agenda and a mandate to a new Convention - to be convened no later than 2008 - in order to complete its constituent work and approve further improvements of the Constitution.
