Repensando Europa #3 | Why Treaty Reform [ESP]

Podcast audio & video
Spain, UEF

We are pleased to present before the end of 2023, the new podcast "Repensando Europe: ideas para una Europa Federal" produced by the collaboration between UEF and UEF Spain, produced and moderated by Kevin Febres of the UEF Madrid section, whom we thank for his commitment.

This podcast aims to help disseminate the contents of the European federalists in Spanish, in this historical moment of change for Europe and in view of the European elections of 2024.

The third episode is moderated by Kevin Fabres, who interviews Domènec Ruiz Devesa the President of the Union of European Federalists, MEP S&D and member of the Spinelli Group.

Domenec Ruiz Devesa explains why treaty reform is essential at this historic moment. Reform is essential in order to endow the European Union with powers and competences in fundamental areas such as the European budget (the Next Generation EU is the result of a constructive and emergent interpretation of the current treaties that can be discussed), European defence (from a productive industrial point of view), a European Council decision-making system that is no longer a prisoner of the right of veto.
He then makes an assessment of the current term of the European Parliament.
What objectives pro-Europeans and federalists should have in view of the elections:

  • explain the successes of these five years of the EU;
  • take the field in the elections to fight disinformation and fake news;
  • ask pro-European parties to campaign transnationally and to include the need for treaty reform in their programmes.

Listen here in Spotify
