CERV operating grant 2023

Contents of :

The Union of European Federalists (UEF) is a pan-European, non-partisan NGO with 19 constituent members with local sections and over 30,000 individual members. UEF empowers citizens at all levels and from different backgrounds to act as a democratic force and stimulates debate on the EU, its future and fundamental values.

In 2024, through tools of advocacy, lobbying, communication and dissemination UEF will focus on:

• A campaign (first semester) in view of the EP2024 elections, to increase participation and turnout. This will be an integrated go-vote campaign together with national sections and JEF Europe (UEF youth organisation), to build a civilsociety coalition according to the general lines and the framework established in late 2023.

• Deepening, enlarging and, where necessary, strengthening its network in view of the celebration of the 20 years of Eastern Enlargement and in view of future enlargements (also due to the threat posed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine). Using the occasion of the anniversary celebrations to raise citizens’ awareness of the benefits of EU membership: both in terms of greater freedom, democratic solidity and defence of the rule of law, and in terms of sharing a model projected towards environmental and social sustainability; a democratic and value model capable of being a factor of stability in the global landscape.

• Promoting EU values such as human rights, democracy, rule of law as the basis for European and Global solidarity and Justice; debating on current challenges, e.g., strategic autonomy, climate change, energy policy, security in a global perspective making them understandable to citizens and making the debate more inclusive.

• Campaigning for a Federal Europe, sovereign and democratic (according to its core mission, and specifically as a CoFoE plenary member) and continuing to support the effective, comprehensive and consistent implementation of its conclusions to make the EU fit for the future.
