UEF News 2002

21 January 2002

EP delegation must be a driving force in the Constitutional Convention

Bruno BOISSIERE, European Secretary-General of the U.E.F., explained that the 16 Members of the European Parliament, who were appointed during the Strasbourg plenary session, should play a key role as the driving force within the Convention on the future of Europe.  On the basis of the recent parliamentary reports (the Duhamel Report and the Leinen-Méndez de Vigo Report) there is  a clear  orientation  for  a  European  Constitution  with  more  democracy,  efficiency  and transparency in the EU. 

„The U.E.F. sees many competent MEPs within the constitutional Convention who are committed defenders  of  a federal Europe“, Bruno BOISSIERE  stated.  Nevertheless,  he  regretted that the PSE  group did not  consider  the  qualities  of  leading  figures  like  Richard  CORBETT  (PSE Coordinator of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, UK), Jo LEINEN (Co-rapporteur on the Future of the Union, D), Giorgio NAPOLITANO (President of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs,  I) and Dimitris TSATSOS  (Observer  of the EP at the last  IGC, GR) in the PSE  group were not considered. 

The Secretary-General of the U.E.F. further hopes that this does not reflect a lack of willingness of  the  Group of  the  Party  of  European  Socialists  to actively  promote  a  European  Federal Constitution. 

Contact: Bruno BOISSIERE, UEF European Secretary-General, Tel.: +32-2.508 30 32 The  Union of  European  Federalists  (UEF)  is  an  independent,  non-governmental,  and  supranational organisation dedicated to the promotion of a federal Europe. President :  Jo LEINEN, MEP

28 February 2002

An opportunity for a more federal Europe

On the eve of the opening of the Convention on the future of the European Union, the Union of European  Federalists  (U.E.F.)  and  the  Young  European  Federalists  (JEF),  organised  a  public debate in the European Parliament in Brussels  on the  subject “The Constitutional Convention: what are the prospects for the Federation of Europe?”.

About 300 people participated in the debate with three members of the Convention Presidium and the representative of the Hungarian government. The debate was chaired by Jo LEINEN MEP, President  of  the  U.E.F.  Mr. LEINEN welcomed  the  Convention  as  a  considerable  democratic  innovation.

The Vice-President of the Convention Jean-Luc DEHAENE hoped that the establishment of a structured network of organisations of civil society would lead to mutual influence. “The outcome of the Convention will be neither a Federation nor the United States of Europe”, he stated, “but I will be satisfied if it is a Europe with federal elements”.

“The federalists should not lose hope” according to Iñigo MENDEZ DE VIGO MEP, President of  the  EP  delegation  to  the  Convention.  “They  have  a  vision  which  many  of  us share.  The revolution was made fifty years ago with the Community method –now we need to deepen it and achieve a political Union” he concluded.

Commissioner Michel BARNIER welcomed the fact that the Convention offers the opportunity of  building  the  EU  for  and  with  the citizens  and  to discuss  the  question of  the  finality  of  the Union.  “I  am  not  afraid of  using  the  word  federation.  I  am  even  in  favour  of  discussing a distribution of  competences  according  to  federalist  principles  in  the  name  of transparency, efficiency and democracy”, he added.

Referring  to  the  risk  of  dilution  of  the  EU  if  enlargement  is  not  well  prepared,  Janos MARTONYI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, said that “a politically and economically more  united  Europe  is  necessary, and  the existing  structures should  be  strengthened and improved”.  He considered  the  Convention  as  the  high point  of  his  30  years  as  a convinced federalist.

Contact : Lucía Caudet, Tel. : +32-(0)486.03.90.67

24 April 2002

A federal Europe to guarantee the cultural diversity of the regions

About  100 European participants attended a European colloquium  on “European  regions  and the federal future of Europe” in Palma de Mallorca on 19 and 20 April. This event was organised by  the  Union of  European  Federalists  (U.E.F.),  in  co-operation  with  the  Government  of  the Balearic Islands and the Council of the Island of Mallorca.

With  a  view  to  the  future enlargement  and  the  great  economic differences  between  European regions, Francesco MUSOTTO MEP (PPE, I), Camilo NOGUEIRA MEP (Verts/ALE, E), and Gabriela  HERNANDEZ (DG  REGIO,  European  Commission),  stressed  the  need  to  find compensatory measures and to enhance solidarity.

According to José María MUÑOA, Basque Country’s President’s Delegate for Foreign Affairs, solidarity  does  not  depend on the  way  regional  powers  are  organised,  but  on the  political  will behind them. He further spelled out a warning over neglect of the regions’ demands to be present in  the  EU  and  to  see  their  diversity  respected  :  “Uniformity  does  not  mean union.  On  the contrary, it can lead to separation”.

The Vice-President of the Government of the Balearic Islands Pere SAMPOL I MAS regretted that  EU  regional  policy  is  managed by  the  member  states  and not  by  the  regional  authorities concerned. He called  for  better recognition and  protection of minority languages. “We  demand the  presence  of  constitutional  regions in the Council  of the EU  and COREPER. Unfortunately there is a lack of imagination and of political will to go in this direction”.MEP  and  Deputy  Member  of  the  Convention  Carlos  CARNERO (PSE,  E)  said  a  draft Constitution should increase the role of the regions in European institutions. “The draft European Constitution should be ratified by a single European referendum”, he stated.

30 April 2002

Middle East crisis reveals weakness of the European Union

The Union of European Federalists  (UEF), chaired by  Jo LEINEN MEP,  notes that the current diplomatic efforts of the European Union to put an end to the Middle East crisis are ineffective. 

The European Union should propose a peace plan which involves all countries from the Middle East. The UEF  considers that  a  peaceful  solution  of  the crisis would  consist in proposing  a federal  project  to overcome  the  inter-community  clashes  on  a  long-term  basis  The  European Union  is  an  example  of  how  states  which  have  fought  against  each other  in  several  wars  can become good partners. 

As regards the European Convention, it should overcome the weakness of the EU in the fields of foreign, security and defence policy. It should transform the EU into a real political union based on a European Constitution, with a federal government and  the necessary means to implement its policies.

23 May 2002

European Commission should be EU executive European Parliament as only directly elected EU institution should elect President of the EU

The  Union  of  European  Federalists  (UEF)  welcomes  the  European Commission’s communication on the future of Europe presented to the European Convention on 22 May and its call for taking the lead in foreign affairs and economic policy. The UEF hopes that the  European  Commission  and  the  European  Parliament  will  build  an  alliance  to push for ambitious EU reforms.

Nevertheless, the UEF regrets that the Commission has not clearly defined its position as regards the modalities of election of the President of the European Union. The federalists further criticize that certain EU governments favour a concentration of powers within the Council of Ministers and that Spanish prime minister José María Aznar proposes to give the European Council the powers of electing the EU President and dissolving the EP. 

Jo  LEINEN MEP,  President  of  the  UEF,  declared  “It  is  a question of  democracy: the European  Commission  should be  developed  into a  strong,  independent  and  efficient executive, elected and controlled by the European Parliament.”

Finally,  the  UEF  welcomes  that  small  countries such  as  Finland  are  in  favour  of strengthening  the  role  of  the  European  Commission,  and  notes  that  only a  European Federation of States and people can guarantee  the interests of  both big and  small countries.

Contact: Bruno BOISSIERE, UEF European Secretary-General, Tel.: +32-2.508 30 32

The  Union of  European  Federalists  (UEF)  is  an  independent,  non-governmental,  and supranational  organisation  dedicated  to  the promotion of  a  federal  Europe.   President :   Jo LEINEN, MEP

3 Octubre 2002

New subsidiarity provisions should not make the EU more complicated

The Union of European Federalists has thrown down a challenge to members  of the Convention when they meet on Friday morning to discuss subsidiarity. Anyone proposing a new institution or legislative procedure is challenged to answer the question: What  laws  have  been passed  that  violate  the  principle  of  subsidiarity,  and  which  your proposed new institution or legislative procedure would have prevented?

Bruno Boissière, European Secretary-General of the UEF, said: “Simplicity is  a  virtue in the  European political  process.  The case for  more  complexity  or bureaucracy in Brussels has to be proven, not the opposite.

Issue 5 of the Federalist Letter to the European Constitutional Convention, published by the UEF today, argues: “Making a reality of the principle of subsidiarity is one of the most important tasks facing the Convention.  But that task cannot be undertaken in isolation.”

A European federal constitution would set out the role of the European Union, the powers of its institutions, and the rights of its citizens.  A clear, simple statement is an essential step if the government of Europe is to be reconnected with the people of Europe.  Let us not forget: simplicity is a virtue. 

Notes for editor

The Union of European Federalists (U.E.F.) is an independent, non-governmental, and supranational organisation dedicated to the promotion of a federal Europe.

The “Federalist Letter” is issued by the Union of European Federalists as part of the “Campaign for a European Federal Constitution. 

13 December 2002

The Bureau of the Union of European Federalists welcomes the second contribution of the European Commission to the European Convention

The  Union of  European  Federalists  welcomes  President  Prodi’s  initiative  of  presenting  a  first complete  draft  constitution  which has  the  great  merit  of  showing  the  European public and  the reluctant national governments that the outcome of the Convention can be a Constitution;

The UEF welcomes especially the confirmation of the specific nature of the European Union, being founded not only on the legitimacy of its member states, but also on those of the peoples;

The UEF congratulates the Commission : 

- for having proposed fundamental changes that will make possible the escape from the deadend  road of  intergovernmentalism,  like  the  elimination  of  unanimity  and  the  adoption  of decisions by the Council by double simple majority of the members states and the population,

- for having proposed the creation of the function of a Secretary of the Union, Vice-President of the Commission (for foreign and security policy), - for having mentioned neither the idea of the ‘Congress of the Peoples’ nor the possibility of intergovernmental  actions  within  the  Union  that  were  introduced by  the  President  of  the Convention, nor the proposal of certain member states of establishing a long-term European Presidency; Furthermore,  UEF is  delighted by the  proposal that the  European  Parliament  should  elect the President  of  the  Commission.  

On  the  other  hand,  UEF  fears  that  the election by  a  two-third majority prevents the results of the European elections to be truly reflected and risks leading to agreements between the two ‘elephant’ groups of the European Parliament; 

Finally, UEF welcomes the procedural proposals of the draft constitution presented by President Prodi on how to make an entering into force of the Constitution possible even if a small group of member states is not able to ratify the draft.
