The Action Committee for the United States of Europe

Memorandum of Understanding

Ventotene, 01/09/2024 - Effective Date: 02-09-2024

Between The Union of European Federalists (UEF), Jean Monnet Association, Young European Federalists (JEF), Spinelli Group


The above-mentioned associations join to re-launch the Action Committee for the United States of Europe. The first one, founded in 1955 and dissolved in 1975 by Jean Monnet, was an organization dedicated to promoting European integration and the concept of a united Europe. Established in response to the failure of the European Defence Community, the committee, often called the "Monnet Committee," aimed to gain the support of major European political forces, both in government and in opposition, and of the social partners, to support the community ideal.

Jean Monnet, who had decided not to renew his mandate as president of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), founded the Committee with the goal of ensuring continuity and development of the principles of the Schuman Plan, promoting the establishment of a supranational political community. The committee included important politicians and trade unionists from across Europe and met regularly to discuss and promote key policies and treaties, such as the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom.

In the 1960s, the committee opposed the intergovernmental policies of General de Gaulle and supported political integration and the UK's accession to the EEC. Despite tensions, the committee maintained its influence until its dissolution in 1975, significantly contributing to the construction of the European Union, based on a method of consultation and a common vision for Europe.

Max Kohnstamm, a direct collaborator of Jean Monnet in the Action Committee, decided to revive it in the mid-1980s. The Delors Commission established in 1985 was notably inspired by the work of the Committee to relaunch the European project. Max Kohnstamm was the driving force behind several crucial ideas, such as placing the completion of the single market within the framework of a binding deadline, which became the "1992 objective."

In September 1988, the Committee counted 92 members from government, political parties, trade unions, baking, business, the European Parliament and the European Movement. Out of these 92, which included members from Denmark, Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, 13 were former members of Monnet’s first Committee for the United States of Europe. The second Action Committee for Europe was active at least until the signing of the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992.

Now, like in 1955 and 1985, the need for decisive action by the movements that share the federal vision for Europe and the reunification of the traditions started by Altiero Spinelli and Jean Monnet is more pressing than ever. Europhobic and Eurosceptic political forces keep increasing their power in Member States, and in the European Institutions. Putin, who continues his war of aggression in Ukraine, while Trump is attempting to return to the presidency of the United States, supports some of these parties. Only a more united and stronger Union, including in foreign policy, taxation, and defence, among other fields, and better decision-making (end of unanimity vote in the Council, more powers for the European Parliament, a true European executive) will be able to face these huge challenges.

This is why on May 7 2024, in the premises of the European Parliament, the Union of European Federalists (UEF), the Young European Federalists (JEF), the Spinelli Group, and the Association Jean Monnet officially launched the process to start a third Action Committee with the presentation of the "Manifesto Towards the European States of Europe."

We take note with satisfaction that, in line with the demands of the said Manifesto, a proEuropean coalition has elected the President of the European Commission on the 18th of July 2024, in full respect of the Lead Candidates (Spitzenkandidaten) principle, and that the President-elect has committed to support the federal reform of the Treaties, as requested by the European Parliament.

Having regard to the said Manifesto; recognizing the need for a unified approach, these organizations have come together to form this new Action Committee, inspired by the pioneering efforts of Jean Monnet nearly 70 years ago.

Firmly believing that the solution lies in creating a European Federation, a vision supported by the historic Ventotene Manifesto of 1941, the Resolutions of the Hague Congress of 1948, the Schuman Declaration of 1950, and the Proposal of a Manifesto for a Federal Europe: Sovereign, Social, and Ecological of the Spinelli Group of 2022, the goal of the third Action Committee is to develop a network of influential personalities, drawing on Monnet's experience and teachings, to push for a renewed and stronger European Union, particularly by achieving the federal reform of the EU Treaties through a Convention.


This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is established between the Union of European Federalists, Jean Monnet Association, Young European Federalists, Spinelli Group to formalize a collaborative partnership between all parties in view of the re-launching of hereinafter referred to as the "Action Committee".

Parties Involved

Action Committee composed by (but not limited to):

  • Union of European Federalists (UEF)
  • Association Jean Monnet
  • Spinelli Group at the European Parliament
  • Young European Federalists (JEF)

Terms and Conditions


  • Collaboration and Synergy: Establish ongoing collaboration between partners of the Action Committee.
  • Develop synergies for sharing materials and organizing events.
  • Drafting and Producing Materials.
  • Organise an annual meeting at the Jean Monnet House or other appropriate location to decide objectives and strategies.
  • Negotiate and sign the already proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the European Parliament regarding the Jean Monnet House, and with the Foundation Jean Monnet pour l´Europe.

Responsibilities of the Action Committee

Provision of Materials:

  • Provide relevant documents and materials necessary for collaboration.
  • Assist in organizing and participating in joint events.
  • Organizing the historical and political archive.

Collaboration on Content Creation:

  • Actively participate in drafting and producing various written materials, including documents, articles, and other relevant publications.

Confidentiality and Access:

  • All parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.


  • Any amendments to this MoU must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of all parties.

Dispute Resolution:

  • Any disputes arising from the implementation of this MoU will be resolved through mutual consultation and negotiation between the parties.


  • Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Former MEP, President of the Union of European Federalists
  • Guy Verhofstadt, Former MEP, President of European Movement International
  • Philippe Laurette, President of Association Jean Monnet
  • Christelle Savall, President of the Young European Federalists
  • Sandro Gozi, MEP, President of the Spinelli Group


  • Stefano Castagnoli, President of Istituto di Studi Federalisti Altiero Spinelli, President of Movimento Federalista Europeo
  • Josep Borrell Fontelles, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Vice President of the Commission Former President of the European Parliament
  • Thijs Reuten, MEP, Spinelli Group member
  • Klaus Welle, Former Secretary General of the European People´s Party, Former Secretary General of the European Parliament, Chair of the Academic Council Wilfred Maertens Centre for European Studies
  • Giuseppe Pepe, Vice-Mayor of Ventotene
  • Martì Grau Segu, Head of Service and Curator House Jean Monnet
  • Giulia Rossolillo, Vice President of the UEF
  • Roberto Sommella, President of Associazione Nuova Europa, Cittadino onorario di Ventotene


