Foreign Affairs & Security | The PC3 Newsletter #2/2023
Dear PC3 Members,
As announced in the last Federal Committee, here is the third PC3 Newsletter.
I hope you enjoy.
Kind regards,
Carlo Maria Palermo
PC3 Foreign Affairs & Security
The European political community: a forum in search of a role
Giuashvili, T. (European University Institute)
The EU accession prospects of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia
Emerson, M., Akhvlediani, T., Cenusa, D., Movchan, V., Remizov, A. (CEPS)
UEF Agenda
June 20, 2023
Zoom link
Online event organised by UEF in cooperation with European Parliament, Spinelli Group and several partnered Universities
UEF Recent Statements and Documents
February 24, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: One year of War, UEF remains a strong supporter of Ukraine
UEF position after one year of Russian War of aggression towards Ukraine
February 12, 2022
Federal Committee/Resolutions on Foreign and Security Policy
Resolution carried by the UEF Federal Committee on February 12, 2023
About PC3
Political Commission 3 "Foreign Affairs & Security"
Chair: Carlo Maria Palermo
Deputy Chair: Prof. Dimitrios Triantaphyllou
Rapporteurs: Wolfgang Wettach and Laura Tatarelyte