Democracy is Europe | Short Essay Contest

Call to action

Within the Democracy is Europe project context, Union of European Federalists, and all its partners are launching an essay contest titled: 1989-1991 the fall of communist regimes: what was the idea of Europe behind the Central-Eastern European and Baltic countries’ democratic transition?

Through this contest young students, aged from 18 to 25, have the chance to express their idea on the peaceful revolutions/transitions which characterised Eastern European countries between 1989 and 1991, investigating about the European ideals and principles which belonged to this period and how they reflect in these countries’ politics nowadays.

The conditions to participate are:

  1. Be a student between 18 and 25 years old.
  2. An essay, in English, from 600 to 1000 words essay under the title: 1989-1991 the fall of communist regimes: what was the idea of Europe behind the Central-Eastern European and Baltic countries’ democratic transition?
  3. Attend to one or more events of the Democracy is Europe projects.
  4. Send the short essay to mentioning in the subject title “DEMEU Essay Competition”.

The final prize will be 250 euro to be used for books, online courses, cultural events (local or not), magazines, art items, and several European Union official gadgets which the awarded student will receive in December at the project closure.
