IV UEF European Congress

29-31 March 1952
Aix La Chapelle (Germany)

The documents of this Congress are archived in the Historical Archives of the European Union: they were digitised by the Team of the HAEU that we really thanks. The folder includes preliminary documents, speeches, reports, newspaper articles.

The entire folder can be viewed here: LINK

The forth UEF General Congress was held in Aix La Chapelle (Aachen) and welcomed almost 400 delegates, observers and guests, in representation of around 200,000 members.

From March 29th to 31st 1952, the UEF held its fourth ordinary congress in Aachen, which was attended by numerous personalities including Ivan Matteo
Lombardo, the French Commissioner in Germany Francois Poncet and German Chancellor Adenauer, who participated in a public demonstration at the end of the congress.

Politically, almost unanimous support was expressed in favour of the action for the European constituent.

As far as the leading structure was concerned, Kogon (President of the Central Committee), Frenay (President of the Executive Office), Altiero Spinelli (General delegate for the Constituent Campaign), Giacchero, Dehousse and Brugmans (vice-presidents of the central committee, who were joined by De Felice who replaced Peyroles), Usellini (Secretary General) and Gabriel Badarau (joined secretary general) were all confirmed in their roles.

It should be underlined that numerous exponents of the EUD joined the central committee, including Ernst Friedlander (editorialist of the weekly ‘‘Die Zeit’’), who would later become president of EUD in 1954.

It should also be underlined that the central committee was joined by representatives of exiled federalist organisations from Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Lithuania.


Political Resolutions approved (English)

Read here the political resolutions approved LINK

  • Political Resolution 1

"The UEF notes with much satisfaction that the principles formulates by the E.U.F. have been gradually adopted by European and non-European parliaments, organizations and statements, largely as a result of the propaganda of the European Union of Federalists."

  • Political Resolution 2

"As regards the draft Treaty on the European Army, the Congress, while reaffirming the need for a joint organisation of European defence, deplores the fact that the problem of European unity should have been put before public opinion-mainly as a problem of defence.
It reaffirms its conviction that the establishment of a truly federal State is a pre-requisite of the effective organisation of European defence.

The problem of the European Constituent Assembly should not be discussed in the context of the Treaty on the European Army, but as a separate issue to be dealt with simultaneously, in this way, the democratic political authority to control and supervise the European Army will be safely and quickly established.

The Congress,at the close of its session, wishes to stress the exceptional opportunities now held out to Europe. Nevertheless, the opposition and difficulties increase as we approach our goal. Never has there been so great a need for swift and resolute action."

  • Political Resolution 3
  • Resolution on Federalist Action

Program of the Congress and list of delegates and guests here

Read here the program of the Congress LINK

Read the list of delegates and guests here LINK

Report by Altiero Spinelli

Read here the Report by Altiero Spinelli, Delegate General of the E.U.F. (English) LINK

    • a. Establishment of a militant European organisation
    • b. Political Maturity of the E.U.F.
    • c. Scope of the E .U.F. influence
    • a. Imminent prospects of a European Constituent Assembly
    • b. The awakening of the enemies of Europe
    • c. Weakness of the forces fighting for a united Europe
    • d. The stirring up of public opinion

Speech of the German Chancellor Konrand Adenauer

Read here the Speech of the German Chancellor Konrand Adenauer (German) LINK

Content of the Folder

The entire folder can be viewed here: LINK

  • Listes des délégués et invités d'honneur
  • Discours:
    • Konrad Adenauer, chancelier allemand (fédération et défense européennes)
    • A. Francois-Poncet, ambassadeur de France (construction des Communautés européennes)
    • E. Kogon (politique européenne de défense)
    • Rapports:'Seize mois d'activités fédéralistes' par H. Frenay,
    • Rapport moral, G. Usellini, 'Rapport sur les modifications des statuts'
    • G. Badarau, 'Rôle de l'UEF dans la bataille pour l'Europe
    • Altiero Spinelli. Résolutions