Union of European Federalists Belgium
UEF-Belgium is a member of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), founded in Paris in 1946 and counting thousands of members in most European countries. After a long experience as a de facto association, the UEF-Belgium has been legally constituted as an ASBL (non-profit association), UEF-Belgium since 9 May 2000. UEF.be encourages the construction of a democratic political union at EU level. It contributes to the construction of a Europe organized according to the federal model, allowing the Union to play a key role on the international scene while respecting the principle of subsidiarity. UEF.be privileges the values of peace, democracy and solidarity. It advocates for a European construction based on an ever closer union between peoples, welcoming the plurality of cultures and traditions. It supports a Europe where the institutions implement coherent and integrated policies, in a transparent, comprehensible and accessible way for all citizens. UEF.be wants the establishment of a federal Constitution that guarantees the democratic and efficient functioning of the EU.
President and/or Secretary General
President, Michele Ciavarini-Azzi
Secretary-General, Domenico Rossetti
Square de Meeûs 25,
1000 Bruxelles,
+32 460 76 01 84