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L'Unità Europea (Anni 1943-1945)

Qui sotto i primi 7 numeri dell'Unità Europea, voce del Movimento Federalista Europeo, pubblicati (tra il 1943 e il 1945) subito dopo la sua fondazione a Milano nel 1943. Below are the first 7 numbers of Unità Europea, the magazine of the European Federalist Movement published soon after its foundation in Italy. L'Unità Europea, Maggio […]

Crocodile: "Letter to the Members of the European Parliament" founded by Altiero Spinelli (1980-1995)

On 9 July 1980, Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986) brought together at the ‘Crocodile’ restaurant in Strasbourg eight MEPs who had accepted his appeal: ‘the Community must reform or perish’. This was the birth of the ‘Crocodile Club’, whose action, conducted in particular through the ‘Letter to the Members of the European Parliament’ in the early 1980s, […]

The Federalist Debate (from 2001 to current)

"The establishment of a perfect civil Constitution depends on the problem of governing the external relations among states through law" Immanuel Kant Papers on Federalism in Europe and the World The Federalist Debate is a four-monthly review born to stimulate and feed the circulation of ideas and information among the various federalist organisations, and among […]

The European Letter - Our federal Europe: sovereign and democratic (from 1998 to today)

The European Letter is published in 7 languages - from the edition 77 - under the auspices of the Luciano Bolis European Foundation in cooperation with the Union of European Federalists since 2023. The European Letter is a periodical publication started in 1997 with the aim of stimulating political debate in national parliaments and governments, and in the European […]

The Federalist - A Political Review (from 1959 to current)

To look for a continuation of harmony between a number of indipendent unconnected sovereignities situated in the same neighbourhood, would be to disregard the uniform course of human events and to set at defiance the accumulated expierence of ages Hamilton, The Federalist Website with all the numbers avaiables: ENGLISH | ITALIAN | FRENCH | GREEK […]

The European Union and the return of war. The urgent need for a federal Europe, sovereign and democratic

AUTHORS. DOWNLOAD HERE THE PDF READ HERE IN ITALIAN INTRODUCTION By Sandro Gozi, President of the Union of European Federalists European unity, as we have known it since 1951, was built on the ashes of the Second World War, the most devastating conflict in the history of humankind. Now, eighty years on, war has returned […]