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Jean Monnet

His Life and Work. For a man such as Jean Monnet (1888- 1979), who understood from his earliest political experiences that, “reflection cannot be separated from action”, the salient facts of his life also represent an important guide to his philosophy and his way of conducting politics. After spending his youth helping his father in […]

Altiero Spinelli

His Life and Work. Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986) promoted the foundation of the Movimento Federalista Europeo (European Federalist Movement) on 27-28th August 1943 in Milan. He had joined the Italian Communist Party at a very early age, and participated in the clandestine struggle against fascism. Arrested in 1927, he spent ten years in prison and six […]

The Federal State

History The birth of the federal state coincides with the foundation, in 1787,of the American Federation. The text of the Constitution of the United States of America, approved by the Philadelphia Convention, 17th September 1787, in fact represents the first historical example of a federal constitution. The Constitution of 1787 was actually a compromise between […]

What the EU Needs to Halt Its Decline and Regain Control of Its Destiny | The Draghi Report on European Competitiveness

1. Preface. Never in the history of the integration process have Europeans stood on the brink of the abyss as they do today. In a global context in which geopolitical powers of continental dimensions compete fiercely with each other for resources, markets and spheres of political influence, and which is characterized by instability and wars, […]


The Foundation of the United States of America and the Birth of Federalism Since ancient times there have been various attempts by different states to create unions. But it was in North America, with the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, that history’s first federal constitution was realised. It was the result of a compromise between those […]

Safer together: A path towards a fully prepared Union

Source: EU Commission website. Strengthening Europe’s preparedness is a matter of urgency. Europe is facing a new reality, marked by increased risk and deep uncertainty. Since the start of this decade, the EU has experienced the most severe pandemic in a century, the bloodiest war on European soil since the Second World War, and the […]

I risultati delle elezioni europee: luci e ombre.

ORIGINAL: The Federalist, a political review. Come federalisti abbiamo sempre un doppio compito. Il primo è contribuire alla costruzione del sistema politico europeo, compito che va al di là della questione istituzionale per includere anche la questione della partecipazione dei cittadini. La questione istituzionale rimane sempre importante, non soltanto per la posizione dell’Europa nel mondo […]

The Draghi Report on the Future of European competitiveness

Address by Mr. Mario Draghi at the presentation of the report on the Future of European competitiveness in the European Parliament PART A PART B Related content


Ventotene, Sunday 1 September 2024 Having regard to the Ventotene Manifesto of 1941;Having regard to the Resolutions of the Hague Congress of 1948;Having regard to the Schuman Declaration of 1950;Having regard to the Manifestos of the Spinelli Group of 2018, 2021, and 2022;Having regard to the Action Committee for the United States of Europe launched […]

Our federal Europe sovereign and democratic

We publish the Appeal that the UEF and the Spinelli Group in the European Parliament have launched in order to call together the forces that intend to fight to build a sovereign and democratic Europe. The first signatories of the Appeal are the members of the Spinelli Group in the European Parliament from the main […]
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