Federalistas Europeus - União dos Federalistas Europeus em Portugal

UEF Portugal has recently relaunched ae status as a new section of the Union of European Federalists. The group is happy to welcome new members and invites interested parties to make contact by email: mail@uef.pt.
The organization aims to promote the establishment of a European Federation by working to:

  • encourage and inform the public on Federalism and its applicability in European context;
  • foster debate and discussion on the standing of Portugal within the European Union;
  • promote awareness about European matters, European ideals and values, the history of European integration, and to introduce to the public opinion the prospect of European-wide federalist policies and solutions;
  • cooperate with other non-profit organizations, related to the field of European matters, in Portugal and in Europe

President and/or Secretary General
President, Filippe Henriques
Secretary-General, David Crisóstomo


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